Wednesday 13 May 2020

Daily Routine

Whilst still cold, it has been a beautiful day with the sun shining.  It is amazing how quickly some of the plants have grown.  The potatoes have already been earthed up once and are ready to be earthed up again.

That's Mickey in the corner of the photo, our dog not a wayward sheep.  He is in dire need of grooming and a good trim but tomorrow is another day.

The spring onions are now ready to be potted on and separated a little.

The mixed lettuce have been a great success and are over flowing from their tubs.  I am thrilled with their progress.

The tomatoes too are doing well.

There are a lot of varieties that need separating and potting on along with courgettes, rocket, beetroot and a selection of herbs.

Some have done better than others.  It was always going to be a gamble with some of the seeds as they were out of date. 

We have also been working on the dividing wall in the outbuilding.  It is hard work as we are stripping pallets and using the wood.  I think it is worth the effort as it looks amazing and I feel that once it is painted or stained it will be even ore effective.  It is still a work in progress but I will let you have a sneak peek.

We seem to have settled into a daily routine of getting our house jobs done as we get up and then having a couple of hours outside once it has warmed up a little.  We still love to watch the hens as they peck and scratch their way around the garden.  Who knew they would bring us so much pleasure and of course their eggs are an added bonus.

The grass already in need of cutting...maybe tomorrow!

A joy also to see the lambs that surround us in every direction.  Their first faltering steps as they suckle their Mums to the frolicking leaps as they chase each other around.  Each moment a reprieve from listening to the latest doom and gloom. 

Then back inside and a little stitching before finally settling down for the evening and listening to the latest news.  We are now in a recession, well no surprise there.  I have such a lot to be thankful for not least a roof over my head and food on the table but above all the love of my family.  What more do I need?

Another stack of face masks made and ready for those that need one.  A neighbour dropped me some cotton round but I am now getting short of elastic.  I need to spend some time on the internet trying to locate and buy some.  Take and stay safe.

See you soon.


  1. Careful where you buy your elastic... I am seeing posts of purchases that seem to take forever to arrive or never arrive.

    1. Hello, are you guys ready to make real cash??? No dulling moment anymore. No more depending on cheap check every week. Get thousands of dollars or any currency of your choice and make this life worth living for. Order for a blank ATM card now.How does it work? Our cards are loaded with a balance of $5000 to $100,000.00 with different daily withdrawal limits depending on the card you are buying and you can use the blank atm card to shop online and withdraw cash from any ATM machine closer to you.★ Is this real? Yes, as shown in the video we withdrew cash multiple times without any issues. You can do it too.★ Can I be traced? No, your withdrawal/transactions are completely anonymous.★ Can i trust this method? Yes, we have not had any issue when doing this for the past 5 years now.★ Are people using this ATM card? Absolutely, alot of people {our trusted customers) have quit their jobs to withdraw money on daily basis. ★ How do I get my card? We will ship your Blank Card /w Pin few hours after receiving clear payment through a courier service International and give you the tracking details of your card, 2-4 business day delivery service. once you receive the card you can start cashing out. ★Is this real? YES: we are 100% real and been doing this since 2015Contact us to order a working blanK ATM Card that you can use to withdraw a minimum amount of $1000 and maximum amount of $10,000 daily withdrawal limit. Online maximum purchase limit is $30,000Contact via email: officialhackingcompany@gmail.comvisit our website:

    2. We have a lot of credit cards available. We are trying to get them out of hand to people to enjoy this Xmas and New year.
      You can hack and break into a bank's security ATM Machine without carrying guns or any weapon.How is this possible? First of all we have to learn about the manual hacking of ATM MACHINES and BANKING ACCOUNTS HOW THE ATM MACHINE WORKS. If you have been to the bank you find out that the money in the ATM MACHINE is being filled right inside the house where the machine is built with enough security to hack this machine. We have developed the special blank ATM Card which you can use in any ATM Machine around the world. This card is been programmed and can withdraw 5000 USD daily  in any currency your country make use of. depending the card withdrawal amount you buy. The card will make the security camera malfunction at that particular time until you are done with the transaction you can never be traced. If you are interested in getting the card Contact us now and make more money.  email us now

  2. All the best with renewing sewing supplies. I am very intrigued by the lettuces growing in pails and hanging from nails and, no, I am not trying to rhyme. 😏 I was just thinking that perhaps you need to rent a goat or offer your lawn to a goat or something. I can almost imagine your telling your husband that some nut from the States thinks he needs a goat. Ha!

  3. Your veggies look to be doing very well, I think you'll be eating well come harvest time.

  4. Oh Lorraine, your garden looks like it is so productive already. The lettuces look delicious to me and the tomotoes in the bag look like they are doing well also. I think your wall is going to be wonderful. I like the way the different woods look together.
    The sheep and hens brought a smile to my face. I can just imagine the peace and joy they give the two of you as you see them going about their lives unfazed by the happenings of the world around them. I wish I could just shut off all of the bad news out there.
    Praying for peace and continued good health for the two of you my dear friend.
    Blessings and love,

  5. I have bought my elastic on Ebay without any problems , as yet. My masks are the same pattern as yours and it seems to be what people prefer.
    Growing things in containers is so much easier, I find. My potatoes are about the same height as yours, overflowing their bags!

  6. Love your potted vegies and I've been wondering how to do it, but I'm getting the idea just looking at this post.

  7. I think your vegetables are coming along very nicely, and I always enjoy seeing your hens.

    Hope you get your elastic sewing supplies sorted.

    Enjoy the rest of the week.

    All the best Jan

  8. Your veggies are looking great. I love how you are growing them in the hanging pots. What a great idea. X

  9. Lovely veggies! My hubby planted a lot yesterday...still more to go.
    Your masks are so pretty. You are a busy one.

  10. Whoa! your plants are doing so well even in your colder climate. The lettuce looks ready for a sarnie already. Sounds like my kind of perfect day but then we have to do home schooling in there as well! Jo xx

  11. You have been busy! Your veggies are looking lovely. I too have been busy sowing old seeds, only half of which came up. But that may be because it is Autumn here in New Zealand and I have sown at the wrong time of the year! I love your chickens, Do they ever get into your vegetable patch? All the best, Rose xx

  12. I have just had a good catch up on your posts from the last few weeks. Your creativity continues to inspire me, Lorraine: your quilt construction, masks, pallet wall, poetry and cooking. I'm glad you are able to get most supplies and at least have online/phone contact with friends and family in the midst of this challenging time. Thanks for letting us see your garden grow and glimpses of the sweet critters around you, also. 💞🙏

  13. Your plants are doing beautifully! Mine are just getting started. I love your pallet wall, very creative. I'm still making masks too... just four or five a day though.

  14. What pretty fabric you used for the masks. My DH's niece made 2 masks for me but we don't have to wear them so unless I'm going somewhere with a lot of people around I don't wear them. I find no matter what, my breath makes my glasses fog up.
    All your produce is growing so well, especially that wonderful mixed variety lettuce. ( Is that what is referred to a Mesclun?)

  15. I enjoyed seeing your latest progress of veggies. I'm glad to hear the sun has been shining. We had a beautiful day today, though a little chilly for this time of year. I hope you find elastic for your mask production. It can be hard to find here. Stay safe and well.

  16. Wow, I love the way you are growing your lettuce. I should try that. It looks just beautiful. What a green thumb you have. It looks like you will have a bountiful harvest.

  17. Wow... what a plethora of garden produce you have growing there! We also have things popping out of our raised beds, it's very exciting! Thank you for giving us a tour and I enjoyed seeing your new wall. Can you tell us more what the wall will be used for? ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  18. We have had frost warnings for 3 days in a row now so I have yet to buy my flowers...Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  19. Your edibles are growing well. I tried to grow potatoes but not successful. I want to try again, one more try before I give up. Healthy chickens and lamb are beautiful sight.

  20. I love your lettuce in their buckets hanging up near the light, what a great idea. All your produce is coming on a treat considering the weather has taken a nosedive.

  21. So beautiful! I love gardening,even though we don't have our own garden, just my parents abd parents in law. Those plants are such a joy! Stay safe and healthy everyone ☺

  22. Busy outside and inside ! Nothing like eating our own vegetables !
    Lovely pictures and mask !
    Have a nice day !

  23. I may have to pinch your idea of growing lettuce up off the ground, so clever, they are slug and snail free.

  24. All your growing things, must make your heart glad!!!

    And you have your routine, and are accomplishing things. So wise and good.

    The entire world is in recession! Thanks directly to the Totalitarian Government of China! And their not alerting the rest of the world, to it. And giving us a _chance_, to prepare better.

    It is time to "call a spade, a space," as the old saying goes. And put the blame, exactly where it belongs.

    Stay safe!

  25. Your garden is inspiring. I've messed with a couple plants I bought and nearly killed them. Didn't know blue jeans plant needed so much water at beginning that it nearly died. Sigh. I enjoy those 🐑! Lambs jumping are fun. I remember those days when I lived on a farm 🚜 while growing up. I spoke with a man at hardware store about the cold Numi earl grey tea he was buying. Found out he lived close to Felixstowe where Phil and I lived after we married. He now lives here in town. I enjoy my British friends I see once in awhile. I should call one as I've got her number. Yes I'm thankful for what I have as well. God bless!!🍰🌷

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Your vegetables are looking good and it is lovely to see your chickens. It's good to have a routineto get through the day:)

  28. I am not familiar with the term "earthed up." What does that mean exactly? As for masks, Miriam has now made and donated over three hundred of them, and a number of scrub caps too. Like you elastic has become the issue and she has made some with ties instead.

  29. your gardening looks great and I love the color of your masks. My sister has been making them for friends.

  30. I have used shoe laces, cut up and sewn into the bottom and the top so you can tie the mask around your head. I know many people are using hair bands, like rubber bands and they are working. So kind of you to make these masks. You are the best. Stay safe and well.

  31. We have never used grow bags, but they look very interesting. Perhaps down the road it will be something to try. Love the pails that your salad greens are in.

    God bless.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. oh Lorraine, I'm envious, I want some lambs and chickens to help take my mind off the news. I love the way you have grown your lettuces! Everything looks so good. I hope you get your elastic.

  34. Ha ha, Micky could have fooled me! He better watch out when the shearers come around. He might get mistaken for a sheep and get a crew cut! Your plants are doing well. Are the potatoes in paper bags?

  35. Your veggies look wonderful! We are having the most extraordinary heat wave around here, I'm hoping my plants will survive.

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  37. Your vegetables are looking good, Lorraine, and it's great that you have been having such success especially in view of perceived shortages everywhere. And it's great having the chickens both for the eggs and the entertainment! We continue to be doing well here in NH and hopefully will continue to do so. heads up on the previous 2 comments from an obvious spammer. best advice is to go mark as spam and then delete and give them no satisfaction of being annoying. Stay well.

  38. Oh your veggies are looking great! We don't have room for a garden but have a couple of tomato plants in big containers. We have blooms but no tomatoes yet! I love seeing those little sheep! Thank you for popping in to see me. I pray you're staying safe.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  39. You sure have been busy. Your plants look so strong and healthy, you will have a good crop!

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