Monday 27 April 2020


How are you all doing?  Are you managing to keep yourself occupied?  I must admit that life is much the same for us here, we have been very lucky thus far and for that I am thankful.  I do worry about my daughters and their little families but so far they are doing well and again I am thankful.  There are a few shortages here and there as there is only one freight ferry coming over with essential lifeline goods but we are managing.  Our medication is delivered by volunteers so we are well looked after.  Another week of listening to our Church service online and setting the Sunday School children craft tasks to do.  Once again we have a lot to be thankful for, technology keeping us all together.  We have a lot to be thankful for and sometimes it is worth writing it down so that we can fully appreciate what we do have.  The past few days I have been feeling a little negative and this one paragraph has made me feel a whole lot better.

For those who didn't know what a rag wreath was I have taken a few photos of some of the ones I have around the cottage.

This is the one I am working on at the moment in readiness for the front porch.  I just need to add a vibrant red heart ribbon.

 Yesterday I had a baking session using up some oddments languishing in the fridge.  There was some cheese that was on its last legs, a couple of sausages left over from the day before and half an onion.  This was the ample eggs from our girls quickly became, sausage rolls, cheese straws and a 2 quiches for lunch today.

I also cooked the roast beef for dinner along with yorkshire puds. eight of which are now in the freezer for another time.

Cauliflower and broccoli cheese.

Cherry crumble topped with almonds.

Finally a strawberry trifle which will be a great sweet treat for a few days.  It was made using tinned strawberries but it still tasted good.

Its amazing how food lifts our spirits.

Did I tell you how grateful I am to all of you who visit this humble blog?  I am, I am also thankful for the new followers and for all your uplifting comments.  It is a strange time we are living in but technology is bringing us all closer together.  It is wonderful how our different backgrounds and countries don't matter we are all fighting this pandemic the best way that we can.  A united world, long may that last.

Take care and stay safe.

See you soon.

Friday 24 April 2020

Keeping Busy

We are managing to keep ourselves busy and have family and friends who keep in touch with us so are a wonderful distraction.  For that I am thankful, I wonder about the isolation on so many who have no one and the effect this must have on their mental welfare.  We are blessed and are grateful.  We stood outside last night at 8 along with millions of other around the UK and clapped for our key workers.  It was such a feeling of unity, united in our appreciation.  Long may that appreciation last when this is all over.  Talks have started about strategies for coming out of this lockdown, I fear our expectations may be a little too high, but I am hopeful for some normality.

In the meantime our normal goes on...

With a walk along the front of the cottage to keep the plants watered.  I love the dappled sunlight and the shadows, watching me, watching you!

We have added some violas and pansies which should give some early colour, hopefully.

The potatoes have done well and are getting to the stage of poking through the soil, ready for some more earth very soon.

We have cleared all the weeds and rubbish from the herb tyres. They look really healthy and are coming back now with gusto.  I am so pleased.

Mint, I showed you this before.  It is prolific and has spread around the outside of the tyre.  Not to worry, another job to add to the list.

The chives and parsley are also outside in tyres and have come back and growing well.  The sunshine here this past week, have given them a spurt.  It is a real delight to see their great comeback.

We have transplanted 6 tomato plants into grow bags in the garden room, we are hopeful.  The tomato seedlings have been a little disappointing thus far but we haven't given up yet.  We have done well with the spring onions seeds, they are almost ready for potting on.

In the house all is clean but not always tidy.  The windows have been done this week both inside and out .  It was quite the challenge when the sun was on them.  Vinegar worked really well on those stubborn smears.  We have a machine, which really does save all the hard work.  The windows are done in seconds, worth every penny.

The front lobby has had a bit of a change around with a new valance curtain made and a couple of chairs added so that they can be lifted into the front garden to sit.  The original chair that was in there has been given a makeover.  A coat of paint and a new seat.

I am working on a new wreath for the door.

A rag wreath that is looking quite shabby at the moment, I am hoping that it will improve as I go along. 

I am getting quite inventive with food, replacing one ingredient for another.  I am concerned at times that we are over eating, particularly as I had done so well losing a little weight.  I am keeping away from the scales.  Time will tell on that one.  The store cupboard is going down....

The weather is due to change again on Sunday with a forecast of rain.  So it is my intention to catch up with my journal and card making.  I also have several sewing projects that need doing.  I have plenty to occupy my time and for that I am extremely grateful.  I still have ample supplies so all is well.

I hope that you are all managing to keep busy and that you are able to keep in touch with family and friends.  I thank you for your visit here and your uplifting comments.  Take care and stay safe in these uncertain times.

See you soon.

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Garden Containers

My goodness how Gerard and I laughed at our error when not putting the seats into the chairs, in the garden room.  We didn't even notice...until I carried the tea tray up.  We searched high and low for them in the barn to no avail.  They have obviously been put away somewhere safe but who knows where this place of safety is.  Afternoon tea was served in the kitchen.  The search continues.

No need for a hat and coat today, the temperatures have been rising and the sun is shining.  Let me take you for a stroll around the pots at the front of the cottage.  They are coming back to life and are in lovely condition but, there is always a but they need a few bedding plants to brighten them up a little.  A little something to give them some colour.

We have managed to order some bedding plants on line from our local garden centre along with some compost.  They will be delivered when ready by a local courier service.  It was nice to be able to support a local business.

We managed to get the front lawn cut today and have plans to do the back tomorrow.  The sun has been an inspiration to both us, we have enjoyed getting out into the fresh air.  I also managed to get our Winter anoraks washed today, along with dressing gowns and winter throws.  The perfect drying day. 

To close I wanted to share a photo from last night of the sun setting over the croft.  It never ceases to make me smile even in these strange times, the beauty of a setting sun.

Take care and stay safe in these dark times.

See you soon.

Saturday 18 April 2020

Sunny Weather

The days are beginning to become a little samey, each day merging into the other.  No clear definition between one day and the other each, feeling the same.  So what a delight to wake this morning to sunshine.  What a difference a little sun makes.  Both Gerard and I were happy to 'don our coats and work outside today.  Gerard worked on getting the lawnmowers ready for the season and gave them a service.  They are both now ready to go.  The plants that we overwintered in the garden room are back in their positions at the front of the house.  A little addition is needed here and there to give them a little colour but they have done well.

We have made a start organising the garden room, positioning the endless trays of seeds.  We are hoping to grow a few veg and salad produce to add to the kitchen.  We added a table and chairs to the room so that we could sit down and enjoy a cup of tea.  It will be fun to enjoy afternoon tea down there.  We would like to grow a few flowers to make it pretty but food seems more important at the moment.  We are a little concerned there will be a shortage as there appears to be a lack of labour force required to pick the fruit and veg at the moment.

We like to grow herbs too, which I like to dry out and add to soups and stews during the Winter months.  The mint is prolific and is coming back with a vengeance, although once contained in a tyre it is growing around it now too.  The chives and both flat and curly parsley are now coming back too.  I love to add chives to salad and the parsley is always good with fish.

The girls are getting out and about and enjoying the freedom, they have not stopped laying all Winter and are a joy to watch.  They have been basking in the sun and run as soon as they Gerard.  They love him.

 We achieved a fair amount and  it really did make a difference to be outside once again.  Bringing with it a feeling of normality.  It was nice to see villagers go by and wave.  It was cold but so nice to see the sun and so good to realise it was the same sun that the family were seeing and in fact the same sun the World over.  The isolating thoughts and feelings disappearing as the sun did its thing and worked its magic.  Long may this good weather last.

As always I do thank you for your visit to this blog and your uplifting comments.  Internet is still a little intermittent here but I do visit as often as I can.  These are strange times we are living in so take care and stay safe. 

See you soon.

Monday 13 April 2020

Poetry Journal

Sadly the walk planned for yesterday didn't go as hoped.  The ground was so uneven that both Gerard and I found it too difficult to walk.  We need to least we have a very large garden and are managing to take a good walk around it.  We are better off than a lot of others who live in high rise flats and accommodation close to others so I am trying to count my blessings.

Easter has certainly been different this year, not the family event it usually is.  However, it has given us the chance to really think and appreciate.  I have spent some time adding to my poetry journal and listening to Easter services.  It seems so strange not to enjoy the fellowship with others but it does focus the mind.

I must admit to enjoying the process of decorating each page, just as much as the writing itself.

The world has changed, the world stands still,
I watch it from my window sill.
An enemy we cannot see,
Lurks out where we can't be free.
Although with faith, we are strong,
To be apart still feels wrong.
So lets pause to pray together,
For in HIS eyes we are safe, forever.

Everyday I put my hands together and pray,
Always thankful for your ear each day.
Salvation ours for the taking,
Testimonies therefore in the making.
Encouragement and love abound,
Redemption ours to be found.

He is risen, all rejoice!
Clap your hands, raise your voice!
Saved from our eternal sin.
Free to watch new life begin,
He is risen, time to sing!
Enjoy the welcome warmth of Spring.

I also had the fun of making a paper weight and pencil tin ready for my workspace with the Sunday school children via whatsapp.  All ready to do some worksheets together and a few crafts of course.  Where would we be without technology?

A fun start for us, the children did a great job with making there own.  I have set them the task of making a book mark as well.

As always I thank you for your visit here and your uplifting comments.  Take care and stay safe.

See you soon.