Saturday 21 May 2022

Blessed With Hobbies

 My original thoughts on this cancer journey that I am on was to ignore it!!!  It certainly seemed like a good idea at the time.  With hindsight, always a wonderful thing I have had time to reconsider and think that it is a major journey.   Whilst I don't want it to consume my every thought, which it could quite easily.  I do think that there are so many positives that it should be part of my story.

Treatment has started.  I was given the penthouse suite (a side ward) so that Gerard could sit with me.  A answer to prayer as I was so nervous about going.  7 bags of fluid via a drip later and all was well.  I was waited on hand and foot with tea and a choice of lunch.  There was lots of chatter as staff kept coming in to check on me, laughter and lots of information.  Thankfully no side effects, early days I suppose.

Day 2/3/4 more chemotherapy drugs this time in tablet form, along with steroids, anti sickness and umpteen others.  Injections now for the next 9 days.  They are throwing the chemistry lab at me and I am thankful.  So far, so good.  I remain positive and thankful.  A little brain fog but no real side effects...God is good.

Work on my prayer book continues, along with mixed media pictures.  I am so enjoying the process of mixing different mediums.  This time watercolour, ink and once again stitching the verse.  The end results are not always good but the process is so enjoyable, I don't think it matters.

With God all things are possible Matthew 19:26 I am clinging to that hope.  That he will guide me and sustain me as he walks me along the path that he has chosen for me.

I have finally tried my hand at felting and once again really enjoyed the process.  I did stab my finger a few times and made myself bleed but no real harm done thankfully.  It did take a lot longer than I thought it would but well worth the time spent on it.  It was quite the experience stabbing the fibres into features.  I had made a couple of cashmere cushions from cashmere fabric that I bought from Elgin whilst away.  It was offcuts, that were affordable and yet were such a luxury fabric.  Once the cushions were made I made the felted buttons/pins.

I have a feeling that more animals will be added to the menagerie.  

Day 5 not a good day.  The chemistry lab appears to be reacting.  Dizziness, nausea...sleep appears to be the answer.

I will close for now with thanks for your visit and catch up with you later.

See you soon.

Wednesday 11 May 2022

Photo Update The Ritz

 Sadly I am still unable to upload the photos from The Ritz .  On a more positive note I received a beautiful record of the occasion from my daughter.  A beautiful album of precious photos in one place, treasured memories.  So that I could share with you I have taken some photos of the photos.  

It was certainly an event that will evoke some lovely memories for a long time to come, cherished memories of a gift given with love.

The pots at the front of the cottage have been refreshed, giving the stone walls a little hug.  A patch of colour added to the white painted wall with solar lights added here and there.  A cottage that gives us so much protection from the elements and is so loved in return.

The herbs are starting there journey, poking through the soil and re-emerging after a stormy few months of dormant sleep.  We have started some extra ones off from seed that are almost ready to be planted into the herb garden tyres.  I love to grow, cut and dry these versatile plants for Winter soups and casseroles.  The vegetable garden is looking a little sorry at the moment but I am hoping Gerard will be able to potter a little more now that a treatment plan is in place for me.  I will start palliative chemotherapy treatment next Tuesday.  This should help to keep me comfortable, it is not a cure.  I am thankful and certainly hopeful that it may give me some extra time with my beautiful family.

As always I feel blessed by your visit and your uplifting comments.

See you soon.

Monday 9 May 2022

Magical Moments

 It has been a dream from when my three daughters were at university that we would one day meet up and a have afternoon tea at The Ritz.  Last week the dream came true, the family flew me down to London where we had the celebration tea.  We were treated like royalty, the decedent surroundings, gold plate everything and silver tea settings were a true feast for the senses.  I have many photos that I can look back on to relive such an amazing experience.  It was a joy to share with my three very loved daughters my excitement for such a simple pleasure.  Afternoon tea...who knew that a simple sandwich could taste so good.  Each sandwich, a different bread adding to how the stand looked visually as each piece was a different colour.  Each tiny morsel melting in your mouth.  The waiters in all there finery/livery were so attentive which just added to the experience.  Next came the scones plain and fruit with jam and clotted cream.  I am a great fan of a scone and these did not disappoint.  They were light and delicious just what you would expect from such an establishment, yummy!  Onto the top tier of the cake stand and those cakes and pastries were a delight.  Finally out came a celebration cake where a fruit cake was delivered to the table with such pomp and ceremony.  To finish the cake trolley delivered another selection of cake.  It was an afternoon that I will never forget and fulfilled a dream for our little family.  Simple pleasures, surrounded by love and very happy.  Magical moments.

Sadly I am unable to upload the photos for some reason but I will try again.  I would love to share them with you.

We did laugh when it was back to earth with a bump...travelling back using easy jet ( a budget airline)!

On the crafting front I am keeping myself busy.  Today I made a start on one of the project bags that I had prepared, making Christmas napkins ready for each of the girls.

I found the napkin rings in a little shop in Inverness, which I am sure will add to their story.  Such an attentive lady who wanted to please.

Another magical moment was a visit to the local craft fair, held in Sporsnis (Ness Sports Centre).  I met a beautiful lady called Charlotte who had a wonderful stall.  I fell in love with a hat that she had made and bought it on impulse.  It was her first sale, she was quite emotional and told me that any other hat of that design would be called Lorraine.  Under the circumstances, that was quite the legacy especially as I have such a love for hats.  That young lady will never know how much this means to me but I certainly wish her well in hew new venture and hope she does well.

I will close for now with a warm welcome to new followers.  I hope you find love and hope in some of my adventures through life.

As always I thank you for your visit and your supportive and uplifting comments.

See you soon.

Tuesday 3 May 2022

Blessed By Friendship

 Your love and support has overwhelmed me.  Not an occurrence that happens often but I am at a loss for words...and I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Reading through the numerous comments has uplifted and sustained me both emotionally and spiritually.  I also thank you for the private emails, ecards, notes and little gifts.

I have been surrounded by loved ones for the past few weeks, spending quality time with each daughter and their little family.  Creating memories that will hopefully be cherished.  Memories of us as a family together and the beauty of this stunning Island.  

Each sunset/sunrise a stunning array of colour emitted through the sky.

A stop for a cuppa and another spectacular view.  The sea tempting us with its beauty, with its gentle swell as it hits the harbour wall.

Sheep lambing and geese looking for a place to land.  Nature at its finest, spectacular and breath taking.  I feel so blessed to be living the dream.  I am at peace and happy to end my days here.  I have decided to take each day as it comes and look for the beauty.  A start as been made on the garden, albeit slowly.  Wild flower seeds have been thrown in the fenced area by the outbuilding.  I am hopeful that it will give a pop of colour and bring butterflies to that patch, we shall see.  The pots at the front of the cottage are looking a little forlorn but we have plants ready to be added.   A job for another day.

On the crafting front I have been keeping myself busy experimenting with watercolour, decoupage and sewing a mixed media picture.  I must admit I am really enjoying the process.

There is a ladies Flourish conference here locally on Saturday at the Comunn Eachdraidh Nis, a day of praise and worship.  I have made bookmarks for each attendee.  Again I enjoyed the process filling each piece with love.

Finally, I have added a few cards.  There is always an event that I need a card for and I though it prudent to have a couple ready.

I will close for now as I need to pack a bag once again.  I am travelling to the mainland tomorrow on the early ferry, heading for the hospital for another biopsy Thursday, this time the lung.  I am thankful for your love and support and feel blessed by so many hands of friendship.  The blogging world is a joy to behold.

See you soon.