Monday 5 August 2019


A quiet weekend, catching up with family with long telephone calls.  Catching up with each other as all our Grandchildren have now started the Summer holidays and enjoying the freedom and break from school.  Gerard and I did manage to get some outside jobs done with a little help from a neighbour.  The fence along the back is now in place, the garage doors have been replaced and two of the outbuilding doors have been replaced and painted.  The wood to make the raised beds has been delivered so our plans are finally starting to fall into place.  It has taken awhile, but all our hard work will soon come to fruition.  We feel good about the progress made.

We have had a little rain but the temperatures have held and we are finally enjoying some lovely weather.  I took some photos of the dark cloud formation over the croft, it was such a low lying formation and quite strange to watch.  It went as quickly as it came, moving on out to sea.

I have finished the shawl I was working on, already in the gift cupboard.  I have made a start on wash cloths using some remnants of cotton left over from other projects.  Always handy to be given with some homemade soap.

I have been experimenting with some different patterns, which is fun.  The ships helm wash cloth consists of  8 rounds and crochets up very quickly.  I thought it might go with an anchor soap mould I have for a little something to let someone know you are thinking of them.

I am going to take a blogging break for awhile and will be back with you soon.  But in the meantime I have a few shots of the beloved sheep so that you don't get withdrawal symptoms.

Take care and I will be back soon.

Thursday 1 August 2019

A Stroll Around The Butt Of Lewis

Good morning, what a beautiful morning it is here on the Isle of Lewis.  The sun is shining and the skies are blue, full of promise for the day to come.  The only disappointment there is no breeze and anywhere else I would be delighted.  But for those that know the Islands and indeed Scotland that can only mean one thing MIDGES.  Yes, they are out in force, biting and attacking everyone and everything in their path.  There are a lot of insects about and both Gerard and I are covered in bites...who knows from what.  We really do need to do some research on these biting creatures.  Locals have told us Avon Skin so Soft deters them but I am yet to be convinced.

Anyway, back to this morning rub in some sunscreen and jump into the car for a short drive up to the Butt of Lewis and the lighthouse.  I have taken you up there many times but today we are going to take a walk in the other direction.  Instead of the front and right, come with me and we will take a stroll to the left. 

There are still some of the gulls nesting, so they certainly make a racket as you approach.  Screeching to one another and warning each other of approaching danger.  We did try to limit any upset and kept well away.  It is a little bit of a climb but it is a gradual slope, so just take your time.

There was a lot of foam around but we couldn't work out from where.  It certainly wasn't the usual foam that evolved from thrashing against the rocks and stacks in the ocean.  There were waves but they certainly were not thrashing as usual but gently lapping against the formations creating a calming, serene and unassuming atmosphere.

A little bit further, so you need some stout shoes but the beauty never ceases to amaze.  The rock formations are a delight and it does encourage you to think about the different layers and colours.  It also makes you wonder who has walked in the steps you are taking before you.

I hope you have worked up an appetite for lunch, boiled ham fresh from the slow cooker with boiled eggs and salad.   The kettle is on for tea...

See you soon.