Monday 27 April 2020


How are you all doing?  Are you managing to keep yourself occupied?  I must admit that life is much the same for us here, we have been very lucky thus far and for that I am thankful.  I do worry about my daughters and their little families but so far they are doing well and again I am thankful.  There are a few shortages here and there as there is only one freight ferry coming over with essential lifeline goods but we are managing.  Our medication is delivered by volunteers so we are well looked after.  Another week of listening to our Church service online and setting the Sunday School children craft tasks to do.  Once again we have a lot to be thankful for, technology keeping us all together.  We have a lot to be thankful for and sometimes it is worth writing it down so that we can fully appreciate what we do have.  The past few days I have been feeling a little negative and this one paragraph has made me feel a whole lot better.

For those who didn't know what a rag wreath was I have taken a few photos of some of the ones I have around the cottage.

This is the one I am working on at the moment in readiness for the front porch.  I just need to add a vibrant red heart ribbon.

 Yesterday I had a baking session using up some oddments languishing in the fridge.  There was some cheese that was on its last legs, a couple of sausages left over from the day before and half an onion.  This was the ample eggs from our girls quickly became, sausage rolls, cheese straws and a 2 quiches for lunch today.

I also cooked the roast beef for dinner along with yorkshire puds. eight of which are now in the freezer for another time.

Cauliflower and broccoli cheese.

Cherry crumble topped with almonds.

Finally a strawberry trifle which will be a great sweet treat for a few days.  It was made using tinned strawberries but it still tasted good.

Its amazing how food lifts our spirits.

Did I tell you how grateful I am to all of you who visit this humble blog?  I am, I am also thankful for the new followers and for all your uplifting comments.  It is a strange time we are living in but technology is bringing us all closer together.  It is wonderful how our different backgrounds and countries don't matter we are all fighting this pandemic the best way that we can.  A united world, long may that last.

Take care and stay safe.

See you soon.


  1. Wow. It all looks so good. I did some baking yesterday too, but today I hit the veggie garden. Working outside today. Stay safe.

  2. Your cookery makes me feel hungry!
    Glad you stil manage to get some supplies. I think we are all having to 'make do' now.

  3. Yum, seeing your baking always makes me feel hungry, it all looks so delicious.

  4. Continuing being a busy bee !
    Glad you and your family are ok !
    And with yummy food it's easier to be home ;9
    Have a nice week !

  5. I’m trying to think of treats to help keep our spirits up, hadn’t thought of trifle, thank you for reminding me. Your baking all looks great, I love having a baking day and a full freezer of good wholesome food. Take care

  6. It's good to know that all is going well with you.
    We're all making the best of the situation and as I've said before your crafting, baking and homemaking skills keep you both occupied and technical facilities keep you connected to your family and church fellowship. It's pleasing how quickly we've got to know our new next door neighbours through the lady texting us to ask if we are well and whether we need any shopping. The internet server was off yesterday and we both compared notes and sympathised with one another especially as her husband is working from home, her son is being home schooled and I'm starting internet course today. We both hoped the wifi would come back on. I hope the ferry service keeps bringing supplies over to you.

  7. I love the wreaths :) Yes, there is so much to be thankful for even though everything has been turned on it's head. I have noticed that people are becoming more sociable. When we take Ranger for a walk dog owners we have never spoken to before now chat with us ( across the recommended social distance ) Take care and stay safe. Best, Jane x

  8. Your food looks delicious. Need get my breakfast stat!! We have had rain late Sunday before sleep time. Looks like we'll get our room fixed later this week. I'm concerned about my grandchildren. They rarely go outdoors due to so many in the apartment area they live at. Owen for sure said he would not go outside cuz he doesn't want to get sick....I miss them. Praying all keeps going well for you and Gerard. Thankful for friends to help bring what you need. Have a blessed day friend.

  9. Lorraine, your wreaths are beautiful. I enjoyed seeing all of your lovely baked goods and I can only imagine how wonderful your house must smell with all of those amazing dishes. I couldn't even begin to pick a favorite as they all look so good.
    I'm so grateful for the internet. It has become my lifeline to the outside world. We again watched 4 church services online over the weekend. It's really amazing how often they are teaching from the same passage of scripture. These churches aren't linked in any way. Each has it's own message schedule. I truly believe it is God leading the pastors as they prepare the messages for us.
    I hope you and Gerard continue to be well and stay hopeful and uplifted through all of this. You are both in our prayers daily.
    Blessings and love,

  10. Good to know you are doing OK there. Much the same here in the boonies of Missouri. Stay safe and well. XXXXX

  11. What a production line!Wow.I used to do a lot of baking but no more.We would just eat it.Like you we are lucky to live in a fairly rural environment,in a small market town which we love.Thank goodness we are not in a city in these terrible times.

  12. We don't mind this, as much as others do. But even so, we all get "Down" or "Riled Up," now and then. And it's good to post so.

    My last couple of posts, have been upbeat, simply because these things happened, and I wrote about them. But today's post... I had a "Riled UP" part written. Then took it out. It just seemed wise, for me to do this. Not put my "Upsetness" out, on the Web.

    But I think we need to keep saying when we get "Down" or "Upset" or the like. We are human. Life is never alllll Sunshine and Roses. Why ever, would it be, now????

    And you are finding crafting, to keep you Happy and Busy!

    And delicious food making!!!! Oh mercy, how good it looks!!!!!!!!!!

    And Oh Yes, our gathering in Pretty Blog Land, is sooooo wonderful, at this horrible time!!!!! So wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you to all, who keep doing it!!!!

    My wish...
    Depending on your circumstances,
    Let the healthy, go back to work,
    Compromised people, still stay home.

  13. Oooh, your cooking mojo is way moreactive than mine is! Everything looks so delicious. I agree with you about technology being the conduit to keep us together and in touch. Stay safe and well!

  14. Hi Lorraine, glad to read that you are both doing well and your families as well. We are doing the same, keeping safe and doing well here in NH. Thanks for your recent blog visit and comment as it was much appreciated too. Those rag wreaths look wonderful and I wondered about the level of difficulty in making them. Also like yourself we have been using as much produce and dairy items in the fridge before going on the next shopping excursion this week. Your sweet treats looked delicious as did that cauliflower cheese dish and those mini quiches.

  15. Love those rag wreaths. It would be a good way of using up some of my quilt-making stash!! I made one with Christmas fabrics once, which we get out each Yuletide.

    You certainly baked up a storm over the weekend. I get days when I bake and bake, but nowadays have to be a little bit more careful with the flour, though I did lay in a good store. I can get some culinary flour from Wessex Mill though, where my bread flour delivery came from last week.

    I have to say, the friendship and uplift I get from my blogging friends helps keep me going at a time when everything is so changed. You all help me keep positive.

    I had enough cheese scone dough left over for 5 little "treats" once we'd eaten the Beef Cobbler I made the main ones for. 3 didn't last long, I can tell you - still warm when they were scoffed!

  16. I’m so tired of my own cooking I could just ... I don’t know, quit eating?!!
    We don’t eat out that often but i sure miss the times when we could now and then. Yes, I also am so thankful this pandemic occurred when we have all this technology at our disposal. It would have been a thousand times more isolating and more depriving had it happened a fifty years ago.

  17. You inspire me to have a baking day soon. Rain is in the forecast and there's nothing more cozy than baking when it's chilly and wet out.
    It's good to know that you have what you need as far as groceries and medications. Keep well.

  18. I am very glad that I can leave my own place in this world and visit you virtually. I am not good at using leftovers in creative ways. Your sausage rolls and quiches look delicious.

  19. It is wonderful to meet so many wonderful friends through blogging, Loraine. Your baking always has my mouth watering. I agree it is so good we can stay in touch with our families thanks to technology.

  20. I enjoyed seeing all the wonderful things you're cooking and baking! I posted some recipes on my blog today. Dayle made both of them for my birthday on Saturday! What a dear. Sending love your way. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  21. Love the rag wreaths, and the baking is superb.

    God bless.

  22. I too am concerned for my sons who are not staying with us at this time but I am trusting God to protect them. I love your baking items and they look so yummy. Take safe and healthy.

  23. Your baking looks so good! I plan on making brownies soon. I think we all have discouraging days. Productivity is one way to overcome that, I think. Lovely wreaths. Glad you are doing well. Take care.

  24. Oooh look at all those tasty treats! Yum! I'm missing a cheese scone now'n again as we can't call into a cafΓ©. I'll have to make some although I don't bake anymore as we end up eating it all! Looking at them is bad enough for my waistline!

  25. I'm glad that you are safe and well and that you have everything you need to stay at home. It's hard missing family but good to communicate and know that they are all well and coping with the strangeness we are living through at the moment. Your bakng and sweet treets look wonderful. Take care:)

  26. Wow what a lot of baking, it all looks fabulous. I agree with you about food lifting the spirits I look forward to our dinner each evening and currently our oldest is with us to eat every night. Under normal circumstances he eats out a lot with friends. look after yourself x

  27. So much delicious food! I've been doing lots of cooking at baking the past month and half as well. Here in North Idaho we aren't as impacted as others from Covid-19 but we do miss getting together for church on Sundays. The internet is such a blessing right now. And it is so good to remember all the things we have to be thankful for. It's amazing how little gratitude can lift a weary heart. God is so good!


  28. Your cooking looks delicious, as it always does. Using up oddments in the fridge and larder is quite an art. I hope you can get all the fresh ingredients you need when the next ferry comes in. So glad the supply chain for your medication is running smoothly.

  29. Your food looks so amazing that it's making my mouth water :) And I love all the rag wreaths you have made, they are beautiful. Stay well x

  30. I'm grateful to have found your blog! When I make yorkeshire pudding it reminds me of my MIL (who's originally from England) and her teaching me how to make them :) YUM!

  31. All those goodies look so delicious. You are taking this time as best you can and that's all any of us can do. Glad that regular deliveries are made.

  32. Your blog post made me sooooo hungry. Every thing looks so yummy. I love the little rag wreaths too. Stay safe and it seems like you stay busy. We are retired so our world is pretty much the same. I too worry about our children as they have to be out more than we. I am doing home church via the internet too. Thankful for that. Hugs...from afar.

  33. Yum!
    Your baking looks so delicious...

    All the best Jan

  34. That is my kind of cooking. Utterly delish and good for the soul. I do hope you are staying safe. x

  35. Your cooking looks delicious ! and I find these wreath really original, had never seen that ! I keep myself busy with writing meeting my two friends and stay in contact with my family in Amsterdam. I am not good in knitting or sewing I had never learned it but I don't really need it either because the masks we need dear friends made them for us. Each person has to have two and our city has not enough. So there are a lot of volunteers. As you say in these strange times you discover the kindness of the people ! and they are all so helpful !

  36. I have to admit to feeling a little negative myself on Monday just passed. But like you focusing on the positive has helped chase that feeling away. Your bakes look utterly delcious! I'm so pleased that you are still getting your medication through and keeping well :)

  37. Oh yum! I love cooking with leftovers or anything I have on hand☺ It is true, that food can make us feel better. Everything looks delucious in here, especially I love the trifle idea. Stay safe everyone!

  38. Everything looks so yummy!! And I love the rag wreath!!
    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and for letting me know that you did by leaving a comment!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  39. oh your baking looks fab, you have been a busy bee..

  40. Good looking food you have to eat. I do like your wreaths and the one with the starfish is such a pretty color. You are always cooking up or making something pretty. I have been lazier these days and especially today, been raining since very early morning.

  41. oooh Lorraine your food looks scrumptious, cauliflower and broccoli, and the cherry crumble, two favourites. I think a lot of people have been feeling a bit negative around this time. We can do it though. Stay well :-) x

  42. Your baking looks so delicious. It sounds like you are eating very well and making the best of this situation.

  43. Hooray I can finally leave a comment!

    Cherry crumble with almonds is right up my street, two of my favourite flavours, yum!

  44. I finally found time to catch up on all your posts. I don't have time to comment on each one, but thought pershaps you might even be grateful that you don't have to read them - you have so many comments each post.

    Rest assured that I enjoyed each one, however, especially impressed by the pirate bags. I love the black and white fabric of ships. And your food always looks as if it should be in a specialty shop of gourmet food. Was hoping for a peek at the roast pork You know what a foodie I am. Your girls are adorable, and there's no comparison between store eggs and free range eggs. Way to go, Ladies.

    And maybe you missed your calling. I believe you would make a wonderful poet. You could write wonderful messages for a greeting card company.

    I think we'll soon be looking back at the virus and things will get back to normal. I remember someone commented that he never thought he'd get two weeks to the gallon of gasoline. When I recapped by April budget, not a penny spent on gasoline. Always some good in everything, right.

    Keep inspiring us with your posts. You're so productive, I just sit back in awe and admiration.

    Hugs, P

  45. I must admit all the food looks really good, you've made me hungry. I like the rag wreaths too. Always a joy to visit with you. Hope you are staying well.

  46. If I could come over for leftovers I would, your baking looks wonderful. So do your beautiful wreaths. Stay well and safe.

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