Monday 13 April 2020

Poetry Journal

Sadly the walk planned for yesterday didn't go as hoped.  The ground was so uneven that both Gerard and I found it too difficult to walk.  We need to least we have a very large garden and are managing to take a good walk around it.  We are better off than a lot of others who live in high rise flats and accommodation close to others so I am trying to count my blessings.

Easter has certainly been different this year, not the family event it usually is.  However, it has given us the chance to really think and appreciate.  I have spent some time adding to my poetry journal and listening to Easter services.  It seems so strange not to enjoy the fellowship with others but it does focus the mind.

I must admit to enjoying the process of decorating each page, just as much as the writing itself.

The world has changed, the world stands still,
I watch it from my window sill.
An enemy we cannot see,
Lurks out where we can't be free.
Although with faith, we are strong,
To be apart still feels wrong.
So lets pause to pray together,
For in HIS eyes we are safe, forever.

Everyday I put my hands together and pray,
Always thankful for your ear each day.
Salvation ours for the taking,
Testimonies therefore in the making.
Encouragement and love abound,
Redemption ours to be found.

He is risen, all rejoice!
Clap your hands, raise your voice!
Saved from our eternal sin.
Free to watch new life begin,
He is risen, time to sing!
Enjoy the welcome warmth of Spring.

I also had the fun of making a paper weight and pencil tin ready for my workspace with the Sunday school children via whatsapp.  All ready to do some worksheets together and a few crafts of course.  Where would we be without technology?

A fun start for us, the children did a great job with making there own.  I have set them the task of making a book mark as well.

As always I thank you for your visit here and your uplifting comments.  Take care and stay safe.

See you soon.


  1. A great idea, you'll be able to look back on these odd times and marvel that we got through it.

  2. Your journal is beautiful and what a great thing to be able to have and look back on.

  3. I love all of this. Your poetry! Wow!

  4. How lovely - and wonderful that you will be able to work with the children! My church does a weekly YouTube service and a the end our Church School Director tries to have a craft for the children to do during the following week.

  5. Lovely work with your poetry journal and also with the paper weight and pencil tin!! Wonderful that you work with the children! My mother-in-law has tough Sunday school for many years and she still loves to do it. She is 91 years old and also still had bible studies till a a couple of months ago. Have a wonderful week.

  6. Sorry that you couldn't do the walk you had planned. We are fortunate too as if (perish the thought!) we could not leave our property, we have the acre round the house and the top field to wander round, and the garden to enjoy.

    You kept occupied with your poetry journal - that will record your feelings for posterity and perhaps in a few years' time you will look back and be glad that your journal was kept to share with others.

  7. Your journal is coming along beautifully and the pebble is lovely too. Stay safe x

  8. What a lovely poem! Easter certainly was strange this year. I'm praying that this will be over soon!

  9. I'm glad you managed to get out, even if it wasn't for the walk you had planned. We're so lucky to have our gardens at this uncertain time.

  10. That is a beautiful poem. You are so talented! Your journal is pretty too. I love it! Glad you have a large garden to walk in. Gardening provides us lots of sun and exercise. I'm sure hoping to get one planted soon. Easter was not the same here either. Still, we have a lot to be thankful for. Love, Henny

  11. Love your poeme ! Something happened to me which has never happened in my life, I forgot Easter ! No decoration, no bunnies, no colored eggs nothing ! Then I heard somebody in a shop asking what she would cook for Easter ! I got a shock ! I hadn't even sent something to my grandson, fortunately I could sent ecards or whatsapp ! As my husband had his birthday on Easter Sunday, at least I had foreseen a special meal ! I think being confined at home let me get crazy slowly !

  12. Yes, the traditional gathering for Easter was missed this year, but it did help to get my focus where it belonged...on why we celebrate the day. Technology helped to connect with family members, so it worked out okay in that regard. I appreciate what you did with the children over the are a special person, and such a blessing to many. Happy week ahead to you. xo

  13. Oh yes,just think of people living in high rise apartments. Or any apartments. We are so very, very lucky to have yards!!!!!! I do appreciate this!!!!

    You have such a wonderful new project! Hope wise to have thought of this, and enjoy the making of your Poetry Journal.

    Lovely that you can still interact with the children. I'm sure it was so good, for you and for them.

    Gentle hugs....

    Stay safe,
    And calm...

  14. Opppppps... 2nd paragraph should have said "HOW wise to have..." Should proof read!!!!! -smile-

    Stay safe,
    And calm...

  15. Lorraine, I absolutely love your poetry. You have such a gift from the Lord. Thank you for sharing it with us, it really lifted my spirits.
    The crafts you're doing with the children are beautiful. Isn't technology wonderful? We did a ZOOM chat with all of our children yesterday.
    I'm glad you are able to get outside with Gerard and walk around your garden. I'm grateful to be able to walk around our neighborhood when the weather permits.
    Take care my dear friend.
    Blessings and love to you both.

  16. Great crafts to do with the children. Especially the painted rock.
    Pretty journal. It's such fun decorating the pages.

  17. I'm not religious but your poem is beautiful.

  18. It's nice to see your creativity and poetry, Lorraine. I'm glad to hear you both are well and staying safe.

  19. Beautiful poem and so very true.

    I am glad you can still meet with your Sunday School children, and what lovely crafts to have them do.

    God bless.

  20. Thanks so much for sharing your poetry, Lorraine. I am encouraged after reading it. I also appreciated seeing your meaningful art projects. Even though the tech part of technology is sometimes challenging it is exciting when good communication with others is the result...I often feel like it is in the realm of miracle! My prayers for blessing for you and yours continue. ((hugs))

  21. Your journal is brilliant and the words so beautiful. A great way to navigate through these strange times.

  22. You are a talented poet, my friend! I enjoyed each one. I think those of us who are blogging through this difficult time are helping our readers make the best of it all. So, thank you, you've lifted me up. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  23. Beautiful poems and journal's decoration.
    Take care and smile !

  24. Such a great idea to keep a poetry journal where you can express your feelings about this strange time. It's beautifully decorated too. Stay safe:)

  25. In spite of the movement restriction, we can still move around in our area especially when we go out for our essentials. If also gives us time to reflect and pray. Stay safe.

  26. What a really lovely idea. I have been keeping a journal as well, no where near as pretty as yours, but it has involved sticking and painting etc... and I have been having fun which is the main thing.

  27. Your journal and poetry are lovely, Lorraine. Thankfully, we are also able to go outside but the relatively empty city streets are where we go for our walks being apt dwellers now.

  28. Your poetry is so thought provoking and so true, my friend! I plan to write in my journal so I can read it again, if allowed! We go on walks but don't see too many people. Last eve there was a family of four with 3 dogs. 3 had masks on. We walked to mid of street, no traffic, then went back over to sidewalk. Social distancing but we waved at them and said hello. Glad to hear your dad is getting better!! Take care and God bless you and Gerard. May you feel His presence daily. x---------x

  29. Hello, Your poem is beautiful! And I also like to decorate my pages of my journal. Because we live in the country we have no problem social distancing. But as you said Easter was so different, very quiet! Blessings, Stay safe and in His Peace,

  30. I love your poetry journal what a lovely idea, the pages look beautiful as are the words. It is wonderful you can still share your crafts with the children too. Stay safe. x

  31. I think I will copy your idea for my grand girls on painting a rock like this. Grand idea! I so like you poetry journal. You are such an artistic person. Beautiful things you always have to share and I look forward to seeing all. stay safe and stay well, betsy

  32. love your poetry journal and there will be walks in the future. We had some crazy weather that knocked out our electricity for two hours (no internet as well) and I thought of you!

  33. Lovely journal and poem. I've never been able to do things like that with words. You're very talented. Popped in from a mutual blog friends blog. It's always nice to meet new blog friends.
    Sandy's Space

  34. I love your journal. It's good to write and create something beautiful at the same time. Hugs.

  35. Your post is so uplifting.
    Thank you for your prayers.
    You have no idea how much they strengthen me.
    Again thank you,

  36. Back again...

    Put on your thinking cap,
    I have a question for you tomorrow.


  37. I love that journal, so pretty!

  38. Great poetry and pretty journal!!
    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and for letting me know that you did by leaving a comment!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  39. What a lovely idea to make a poetry journal! It is beautiful. And what a blessing you are to be doing Sunday School online. xo

  40. And I am back, with link to my Pertinent Question.

    Link to my latest post, in Sig. Line, below...

    So.... What happens AFTER??????

  41. Beautiful poem. I too thank God for my little garden where I can go to get some fresh air in the morning.

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