Tuesday 21 April 2020

Garden Containers

My goodness how Gerard and I laughed at our error when not putting the seats into the chairs, in the garden room.  We didn't even notice...until I carried the tea tray up.  We searched high and low for them in the barn to no avail.  They have obviously been put away somewhere safe but who knows where this place of safety is.  Afternoon tea was served in the kitchen.  The search continues.

No need for a hat and coat today, the temperatures have been rising and the sun is shining.  Let me take you for a stroll around the pots at the front of the cottage.  They are coming back to life and are in lovely condition but, there is always a but they need a few bedding plants to brighten them up a little.  A little something to give them some colour.

We have managed to order some bedding plants on line from our local garden centre along with some compost.  They will be delivered when ready by a local courier service.  It was nice to be able to support a local business.

We managed to get the front lawn cut today and have plans to do the back tomorrow.  The sun has been an inspiration to both us, we have enjoyed getting out into the fresh air.  I also managed to get our Winter anoraks washed today, along with dressing gowns and winter throws.  The perfect drying day. 

To close I wanted to share a photo from last night of the sun setting over the croft.  It never ceases to make me smile even in these strange times, the beauty of a setting sun.

Take care and stay safe in these dark times.

See you soon.


  1. What a beautiful photo. The sunshine does encourage us to get those outdoor jobs done. I've been making the most of the weather to get washing dry too, I got all Archie's towels and bedding done today.

  2. We have been having a Good Clear Out in one of the outbuildings - one in which there has been a one-way traffic of "things" all the time we have lived here. I suggested to my husband that it might not be a bad idea, whilst we had good weather, to start having a clear out and today we cracked on with it. One corner is sorted and swept, and there is a pile for the woodshed, and a pile for the scrap man (if they ever turn up again).

    Eldest daughter and I have been very busy in the garden too, and have transferred the seeds that need it good and hot into the new polytunnel. We WILL have Chillis this year, with a bit of luck.

    I hope your chairs turn up - it doesn't pay to be tidy!

    Glad you managed to get a delivery from a local nursery. We are using the compost that was in planters last year (the ones I normally put new plants in each summer, from the garden centre - oh how I miss that sort of trip out) for seeds as the John Innes seed compost is just SO dry. Invention is the name of the game right now.

    Take care and stay safe.

  3. so with your seats you did like my grandpa once with easter eggs, he had hidden in the garden. I found them 2 years later ! there we had to laugh too ! You will probably find them in a placed you never thought about ! You sunset is just so beautiful ! I think I am getting used to the confinement, the day I can go out, I probably stay at home I fear that everybody goes out at the same time and then we can start all over again !

    1. Makes me laugh at what you said about finding Easter eggs later. That happened when my husband was young and at grandparents house. Didn't find all the eggs. Months later, when they turned the light on in a room rarely used, there were a couple eggs in the light fixture bowl. They smelled badly! Icky!!!

  4. So happy that others do the Put-Away-And-Then-Can't-Find dance!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "Croft" would that be a "hill"... Here? I do prefer croft. So much prettier.

    Yes, the cycles of Nature! Like sunsets. So good for us to notice, always... But especially at times like these.

    Let's hope your new-found appreciation of such, stays with us...

    Stay safe

  5. Your wintered over plants look like they have lots of life in them! Dayle's geraniums look a bit worse for wear but he brought them out and watered them and surely they'll perk up. I did notice the missing seats in the chairs and got a giggle. Hope you find them! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  6. It's been great weather for being able to keep on top of the laundry. It's just the ironing I need to try and keep up with now.
    I hope you find your chair seats. X

  7. How great that so many of your plants made it through the winter and are showing lots of new growth. And great that you can order more on-line.
    I hope you find those chair seats and let us know where you had put them for "safe keeping".

  8. Lovely to see new growth and the sunset

  9. Hello, my lovely friend.
    Thank you for sharing the beauty of new life.
    Here in Pennsylvania we have snow!
    It won't last, but it isn't feeling like spring.
    And I love your sunset.
    I think about how no matter what we are experiencing, the sun still rises and sets, the plants still bloom, the birds still sing. That brings me comfort. Hugs!

  10. I'm sure you will find your chair seats just when you aren't looking for them!

  11. I'm sure your chair seats will find you when you least expect them. The sunshine always gives me hope, as does the beautiful sunset you shared. Have a lovely evening.

  12. I'm glad things are warming up for you! It snowed here the other day. I wasn't a fan lol

  13. We often have one or two things that we can't find in the spring and we say "If only we put it in the same place every year"!

  14. Next week I hope that it is nice enough that I can spend the day outside cleaning my plant pots...If I manage to find them all.

    God bless.

  15. I hope you find your chair seats soon. It does make us laugh when we know we put things somewhere safe, but can't remember just where. We're trying to support local businesses, too. I went to our local nursery today as they had a shipment of David Austin roses in and I wanted two of them for our front garden. We'll plant them over the weekend.

  16. The sunset is so nice. They have been here as well. Megan did a bit of gardening as well. I hope you find the chairs in the barn. In hay loft? Sheep stole them so they could sit down and rest? HA! We've had some nice days. I enjoy seeing the birds fly around. The other day there was a bird and a squirrel on our neighbor's fence. Not close to each other...fun though! Squirrel likes to chat with me! Have a good week!

  17. So wonderful to see all the plants growing again, I think it's been the best Spring for ages. I do hope your chairs turn up, wherever could they be!

  18. Great to see plants growing and also getting washing dry outside. We too have those things that have been put somewhere safe, perhaps one day they will be found:)

  19. New plants are growing and very soon your garden will look beautiful.

  20. I thought of contacting the local garden centre as we had run out of compost because of re-potting small plants into larger containers. Then our daughter and grandson brought a bag over on the Sunday afternoon social distancing quick visit. This good weather is very helpful when it comes to doing all those extra jobs of the Spring season. Glad the sunshine came your way too.

  21. Hope those seats turn up soon! Those places of safety can be terribly obscure. I am amazed that lawn mowing is already ongoing there. It may be several more weeks here before ai have to break out the mower.

  22. you'll find the seats when you are not looking for them! Lovely end of the day photo - I agree these are strange times indeed.

  23. I love your pictures, so pretty! Stay safe everyone ☺

  24. Nice to see the new growth. We had some snow last week which was unusually late for this yr. Stay safe and well. Thelma

  25. That setting sun is wonderful …

    All the best Jan

  26. The sun definitely makes so much difference! Wonderful that your local nursery was able to bring the products you needed to your door! It is always exciting to see the world come back to life after winter, and I enjoy the setting sun as well, it is just so comforting! Enjoy your sunshine-y day :)

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  28. What a gorgeous sunset. Happy planting.
