Monday 23 March 2015

An Unexpected Weekend

The weekend didn't turn out as planned, Lucy and her family were not able to visit and Dad wasn't too good.  I must admit to feeling a little overwhelmed. It is amazing what a little bit of gardening, particularly when it is cold, some crafting and a good nights sleep can do.   I have got up this morning feeling a whole lot better and ready to start the day, whatever it throws at me.

Our house, particularly the kitchen and dining room have been taken over with pots and seed trays.

We have planted, broad beans, green beans, tomatoes and sweet peppers so far.  That will be added to later today.
Summer bulbs have been added to some of the pots to make a little cottage style garden at one end of the patio.
We also went to a small car boot sale, the first of the season at Addlethorpe.  It was nice to have a stroll around and browse, although we did come home empty handed.  Maybe next time...
I have started to decorate for the season with a little touch here and there...
I have decorated a little  tree, the rest I will leave for the children.

There has to be some little packages for visitors...
Progress on Wilbur's quilt is slow but steady.

Bright and cheerful...

Its keeping me occupied and giving me comfort...

Filled with love.  A special gift for a special boy.  Did your weekend go as planned?
See you soon.


  1. Oh dear, I hope your dad is better now .... Well, your makes are still beautiful and so sweet .... I wish you the best and a lovely week ahead !

  2. I'm sorry to hear your dad is not too good. It is a real worry,

    Wilbur's quilt is looking great!

    No matter how great you are feeling I hope the day doesn't throw too much at you!

  3. My windowsills are also suffering from the attack of the seedlings session. The garden will be very productive this year as I will be planting veg in my front garden among all the flowers. In the meantime I have windowsills full of pots and mini propagators

  4. I am sorry that your weekend didn't go as you hoped and that you are not feeling quite yourself. I hope that spending some more time with your garden and quilting will help restore the balance. It sounds as though you are going to have a lot of wonderful things growing! xx

  5. I hope your dad is doing well now. Good to hear you are feeling better. After going through your post, I can feel the excitement of spring with the planting in the garden. That is a beautiful piece of quilt for Wilbur. It takes a lot of patience and time to sew.

  6. I hope your Dad is better soon. The quilt for Wilbur is certainly very cheering.

  7. I do hope your dad improves and that your worries lessen. Keeping you and him in my thoughts :)

  8. I'm sorry your weekend didn't go as planned, I hope your dad is more on the mend now. Yes a bit of gardening can lift the spirits, take care x

  9. I didn't get enoough done!

    I love the quilt. Really cute, especially with Mickey in it.

  10. A busy woman !!!!
    Have a lovely week !

  11. I didn't get anything crafty done. I always think I will but then I don't. The quilt is coming along great! Well wishes for your dad.
    xx Beca

  12. I was sorry to hear you had a disappointing weekend. I hope the week is better, it certainly seems busy, you are getting a lot done! I'm in spring cleaning mode and it's overtaking my life :-)

  13. We were disappointed not to be able to come too Mama, but my chest is starting to feel a little better this morning. I am soooo excited to see the Easter tablecloth come out, so may fabulous memories in one tablecloth. The quilt is looking fabulous. Love you. Lucy x

  14. It is frustrating when plans go awry but well done for getting some seeds started! Easter must be in the air - pulled out a few Easter decorations this morning, my Easter tree being one of them ;)

  15. I hope you are feeling more in control now, and also that everyone is feeling better. x

  16. I hope your dad is feeling better soon. I always find gardening very therapeutic - I recall reading a quote - but can't remember where , something like - "I go outside in my garden to lose myself, when I need to find myself"

  17. That quilt is so gorgeous, I love it! It's amazing what a bit of time spent doing the things we love can do for us, and never underestimate the power of a decent sleep xx

  18. My dear friend, I hope your dad is doing better.... Thinking of you! Hugs!

  19. Hope your Dad is getting better. Love the quilt it is so important you do things you enjoy to give you comfort
    Sue x

  20. Such a happy post, with green things growing, Easter decorations, and progress on your quilt. Love the embroidered tablecloth. I do hope your dad is feeling better.

  21. Well, I can certainly attest to the fact that the times we plan for not going the way we had planned them to be. It looks like you were able to get lots of things accomplished. I hope your father is doing better!

  22. Lots of colour and beauty in this post. I have had to adapt a very flexible approach to life since my daughter's illness, to minimise the feeling of things "not turning out". We usually have a Plan A, a Plan B and sometimes a Plan C. I do hope your Lucy and your Dad are both better now.

  23. Glad you are feeling better for a spot of gardening, love the Easter decorations
    Clare x

  24. Your quilt is lovely and colourful! Sounds like you had a busy weekend, even if it didn't quite turn out as planned. Thanks for visiting me :-) xx

  25. You have the busiest hands around!!! LOL!!! I think we're going to keep our garden small this year due to the possible sale of the house. I can't wait to see how your cottage garden turns out. They are my most favorite gardens of all!!! My 4 year old daughter saw the quilt you're making and she gave you two thumbs up when she saw Mickey Mouse!!! : ) Have a beautiful day!! xo

    ~ Wendy

  26. The quilt is looking amazing, good luck with the finish. Love your decorations.

  27. Hello!
    So nice to visit with you here!
    I see you are a fellow Yankee Candle lover?
    And I am happy to be your newest follower. : )

    1. I love Yankee Candle, some of the scents are a real delight and last so much longer than some of the cheaper versions.

  28. Sorry your weekend didn't go as planned. It's always uplifting to get some gardening jobs done though, and it's nice to see those seeds planted. I'm running out of windowsill room here!

  29. I hope your dad feels better soon. I love the Easter egg tree and that embroidered bunny cloth is just darling! Quilt is looking fab too :) well done you!

  30. I hope your dad feels better soon. I love the Easter egg tree and that embroidered bunny cloth is just darling! Quilt is looking fab too :) well done you!

  31. Hope your dad feels better soon.

    Lovely Easter decorations (we have to bring ours out this weekend...), and aren't the early preparations for the garden exciting?

    Beautiful quilt too!!
