Thursday 19 March 2015

Five on Friday

Today is the first day of Spring, there have been signs of Spring for the last couple of weeks, green buds are appearing, birds are chirping, worms are emerging from the earth and flowers are beginning to bloom.  Today I am once again joining Amy over at for Five on Friday.
The rhubarb crowns are starting to unfurl.  Exciting times rhubarb crumble back on the menu, soon we just have to have patience.
Rocket is beginning to emerge, ready for the summer salads.
The lavender plant is starting its regrowth.  Can you see the new growth the beautiful green that sings "Spring is here" to me.
One of many pots of miniature daffodils tete-a-tete.  Well worth the effort of planting them up late Autumn for a beautiful display now.
Last but not least the anemones are starting to sprout.  They were also a tuber planted in the Autumn, I am looking forward to a shot of colour from these.
This is just the start, more and more things will start to sprout and grow as Spring emerges from its deep sleep.  It is still quite cold here and so the soil has not really warmed up yet but once it has we have the raised beds ready for planting.  Food is a big part of our garden and although we will never be self sufficient or anywhere near its a nice dream.  Have you started work in the garden yet?
See you soon.


  1. What fantastic signs of spring, springing all around!!! I hope that you can enjoy some time in the garden this weekend. Hope too that things are still going well for your Dad. Thank you so much for joining in. I hope that you have a great weekend! xx

  2. I just love this time of year. It seems so full of promise! And you've reminded me that I must go check on my rhubarb!

  3. Spring has arrived and I am so happy! It looks like your garden is off to a great start.

    Amy Jo

  4. Lovely to see Spring in your garden. Every time I walk past the daffodils in my garden or see them from the kitchen window, they make me smile. x

  5. Spring just seems to give us the lift we need after a long cold winter, your garden is certainly showing all the promise we need to get back out there (we are six weeks behind in the Scottish Highlands), so looking forward to seeing the first lavender plant. Have a good weekend. Woo xx

  6. Very spring like indeed. We love rhubarb crumble too. I have two olive trees that's it , but at least it's a blank canvas and the rest is up to us x

  7. Beautiful green plants! And yes, the lavender is especially lovely. The new green growth contrasts so nicely with the silver-grey foliage.
    Have a lovely weekend!

  8. Beautiful plants my friend. Happy Weekend,

  9. As you are, I'm sooo happy to see all these plants and flowers waking up slowly ... that's wonderful. Well, today it's a day off and I'm making stuffs in my garden .... you'll discover it in my next post... So, I wish you a very warm and lovely week -end !

  10. I knew I forgot to order something with my seed order; rhubarb! Looks like you'll be enjoying some fresh produce before too long. It is still cold here (40's), and we usually have frosts until end of April/first part of May. But I'm enjoying signs of spring from around the internet. Happy Friday! Heather

  11. Lovely signs of spring in the garden - our rhubarb and tete a tete plants are at about the same growth level as yours. I'm looking forward to rhubarb crumble too:)

  12. I wish I had green fingers.

  13. Isn't it so lovely to see everything coming back to life again after a dormant winter. My garden is emerging slowly but surely too :-)

  14. I really love this time of year, when all the plants start to bud or poke their shoots out of the ground. I must go and have a look at our rhubarb, thank for reminding me. Have a lovely weekend.

  15. I have decided i cannot cope with vegetable growing , The maintenance is to much for me so i am planning a cottage type garden now xxx

  16. Wonderful ! isn't it exciting each spring to watch plants begin to sprout again! I never tire of it and rhubarb crumble sounds yummy!

  17. Nothing like Spring !
    Enjoy your weekend !

  18. Happy Spring, my friend! The sun is shining brightly and the sky is extra blue - it's the perfect day to welcome Spring :)

    Hugs to you!

  19. Wow what nice signs of spring you have and love how it is all growing. Happy spring.

  20. It looks all like spring - have a great time

  21. Oooo clever you with green fingers! I am waiting for my cherry tree to blossom :)

  22. So exciting to see these first signs of spring! I love the little daffodils - I need to find some this fall for potting up. I have not had luck with lavender due to our rainy winters, but I always keep trying. :) Hope you have a lovely weekend. xo Karen

  23. We were just starting to see our grass and garden beds and now we're in the midst of another snow storm. The weather man said we could receive as much as 8 inches. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the mid 40's which means it should start to melt pretty quickly. Oh how I'm dreading our mud season!! Two dogs that love to run around the yard a lot are going to mean a lot of muddy footprints in the house!!! Ugghhh!!! Have a beautiful weekend and enjoy your spring weather!! xo

    ~ Wendy

  24. Isn't it exciting to start thinking about flowers and gardening?!
    Our weather has been so off this winter. I actually lost plants do to forgetting to water them. We usually are so wet here in Oregon. I lost all the plants under my eves in front...oh well, guess I will have to plant something new and different.
    Happy Spring.

  25. Your potted plants are looking good! I can't grow rhubarb here. I tried a couple years ago. I've never tasted rhubarb! So glad to see spring!

  26. It's always so nice to see things appear in the garden come spring time! My rhubarb is at the same place yours is. In a few short weeks we should be able to harvest the first stalks of the season. :-)

  27. Thanks for popping by to visit me! I love love love this post of beautiful flowering and green growing things! I love rhubarb and may need to think about adding that into my things to plant this Spring!

    Your daffs look so pretty. Such a cheerful sunny flower. And don't get me started on lavender - one of my favorites!

    Thanks for the garden of sunshine. Have a wonderful weekend. xo

  28. Look at all of your beautiful plants. You have a wonderful green thumb!

  29. I think I almost like the early buds of spring more than the full garden of summer. Yours promises to be a wonderful garden.

  30. So good to see your plants sprouting and welcoming the new spring.

  31. I am glad to see spring is showing up on your doorstep. It´s a little slower to show its face here but its not long now. The daffodiles are so cute.
    Thanks for your comment. We are on the mend :)
    Birgitta xx

  32. Thoroughly enjoyed the spring views :)

  33. I'm lucky, my rhubarb grows all year round. Enjoy yours.
