Saturday 12 September 2020

Another Week Goes By...

 Another week has flown by without a post, sadly our internet connection was once again lacking.   Open Reach have been and have finally been able to do all the repairs needed so we are hopeful that we are back to normal.  We have also been supplied with a new router which was another wait but all is well now and for that we are thankful.  Since the pandemic we seem to rely on technology more and more to keep in touch with family and friends.  The figures of Covid seem to be on the rise  so once again numbers for gatherings have been reduced.  The light at the end of the tunnel seems to be slipping further and further away.  This terrible virus and the restrictions that surround it is not going away any time soon.  All we can do is live our lives the best we can.

Over a week ago we had a drive into Stornoway for some shopping and we also had a quick look at the exhibition in Ann Lanntair.

It was fascinating to look around and see the impact of lockdown on individuals.  There was some amazing differences between some of the pictures in the 30 different categories. 

Sadly the photographs do not show any detail but if you are local I would definitely recommend a visit to see it.  Thankfully we are still harvesting from the garden.  The mint is starting to flower but I did manage to pick another substantial bunch to hang for drying out.

The tomatoes are finally going red a few at a time, so it is nice to pick some daily along with the spring onions and courgettes.  It has made a few very nice sauces for the freezer with the addition of Passatta, a great meal with pasta and garlic bread.

I have just emptied two of the potato sacks and were thrilled with the results.  A very tasty potato and a great return on the four in each sack planted.

The chickens slowed down a little whilst we were away not laying everyday but seem to rally around on our return.  We shall see how long this lasts but are enjoying the eggs while we can.

There is still a little rhubarb here and there so I do keep picking it and adding it to the freezer or making it into a crumble.  The one shown added to some blueberries for a beautiful taste of Summer.

A few oats and crushed nuts adding a different dimension to the humble crumble.  Home made ice-cream  adding to the luxury.  I must admit that we do enjoy picking our own food from the garden, not on a grand scale but the few bits we have grown as given us so much pleasure.  We are hoping to add more and extend the season as long as we can next year.  We have kale and cauli growing at the moment and it seems to be doing well.  

We are managing to get out for a walk on a daily basis which is good.  The weather is very changeable at the moment so you certainly need a raincoat but the sun still shines.  We have not been able to cut the grass this week as it is too wet but we are hopeful that the wind will dry it enough for next week.  We like to have the grass as short as possible before the weather changes so we can still walk down to the chickens easily.

With a walk and a craft project I am managing to fill my day, about you?  I will share some of my projects on the next post.  Hope all is well with you and that you are living life the best you can in these very uncertain times.  Take care and stay safe.

See you soon.



  1. What an excellent result you've had with your potatoes, ours are still hidden but hopefully we'll find a few when we get digging. I've had to order some more wool to keep me going but my project is quite fiddly so I should be OK for a while! Enjoy the weekend.

  2. It's good that you're able to get out and about a bit, you've got plenty to fill your days with your hobbies, your garden and a gentle stroll. You garden is certainly providing a plentiful bounty, even this late in the season. It's definitely worth all the hard work when you can get a taste of summer in the depths of the winter months.

  3. Good food, fresh air and hobbies !
    The perfect match ;)
    Have a nice weekend !

  4. Always love you veg/cooking posts. I am making damson jam today. Jo x

  5. My spring onions are nothing like as full as yours!

  6. Lots of tomatoes and brambles. Really getting stuck into sort out the back path and garden. Well DB is with a little help from me.

  7. Your veg look good, always nice to come at fresh garden produce. Yes we do keep in touch more and more with the Internet. Zoom and other media it's good for the moment, but nothing will ever replace a good old hug or strong hand shake.

  8. I'm glad you and Gerard are able to get out and walk and get some exercise. I do the same with my walks with Chloe several times a day. Today teh sky is a nasty shade of brown/orange/gray. My eyes are burning, nose running/throat itchy. The smoke is awful. The windows are all closed up tight but the smoke still gets in.
    All of your vegetables look so wonderful and delicious, especially the potatoes. They are so much more tasty when you grow them yourself.
    Take care my dear friend. Stay well.

  9. It's so nice to get out for a walk.
    We had a nice dry, sunny day today and enjoyed a short stroll.

    Your vegetables look very good.

    This Covid 19 is not going away!
    I do agree with you when you say "all we can do is live our lives the best we can."

    Take care, stay safe and well.

    All the best Jan

  10. I'd love to see that art exhibition, I bet it was fascinating. My tomatoes are ripening a few at a time so no big glut yet. This horrible virus is sticking around isn't it. Please stay safe, sane and creative. x

  11. I think I hire you as cook ! Looks real delicious what you have prepared and on top I can be sure that it is really organic and not only the prices ! We will have again a heat wave ! 30°C on Monday ! The weather is like a roller coaster ! And our lives like a perl necklace, every day the same ! Everybody wants to have his normal life back ! We had some restrictions again, but more in Brussels and not in Waterloo where I live it's only 15 km far. We have to wear masks inside shops and on the main street. In Brussels everywhere. I think I have to go to university and learn how to use masks and rules in the whole world ! But then anyway I can't travel !!

  12. Your veggies look delicous. I had a neighbor bring over some tomates on Thurs from her garden. I need to clean them off as there is some ash on them. I went outside last eve after our son and family left to return home. I watered my outdoor potted plants and rose bush in front lawn. Phil put 2 suet cakes in the feeder for birds. I refilled the bird bath. So many birds here lately. I saw one drinking alot of water. Obviously very thirsty. It is still smokey here and need to stay indoors due to thick smoke!! cough! bleah! Glad you were out and about a bit. Nice sketchbooks.Have a blessed weekend! x------x

  13. Lovely veggies! Yum. If I'd known I was going to be here all summer I would have tried my hand at growing a garden. Usually I'm gone so much of the summer it isn't worth trying.

  14. Your vegetables look lovely and I'm sure you enjoyed eating them. The mound of Mint is amazing!!
    I seem to have no problem finding things to do although I notice that I'm slower than I used to be and things take longer to get done.

  15. Your vegetables are beautiful! You always do such a great job of preserving your bounty. I thought of you today when I picked a big bunch of rosemary to dry in the kitchen.
    I'm so glad you can still take your walks. For us it is a life saver during these times.

  16. I'm glad your internet is improved as I love reading your blog! Bravo on all the wonderful garden bounty and how well you use and preserve it for the winter. Our DIL grated all of our zucchini and froze it in 2 cup pouches for us to make sweet breads for the winter. Take care my friend, sending hugs your way. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  17. The art exhibition sounds fascinating with so many different perspectives on the pandemic. Eating from the garden is such a treat. Our tomatoes are producing as well, but I bought a big box of them and preserved mexican salsa and diced tomatoes today. Also a few pints of applesauce.
    I'm glad the weather is still good for walking. It's such a treat to get out and see the beautiful world.

  18. Love to see the bountiful harvest from your garden. I hope to grow some zucchini soon.

  19. Your homegrown veggies are stunning,I dream about my own garden! Very interesting exhibition, stay safe and healthy everyone ☺

  20. It looks as if you are filling your days well with your home and garden projects and the occasional walk. Life here is similar. Preserving home grown produce, cooking and other homely interests take up our time. Medical matters too continue and we're thankful that doctor, dentist and optician appointments are available. My eyesight has deteriorated since lockdown. Reading, sewing and other close work is limited. Radio is easier to follow. I'm looking forward to new prescription specs. I'm pleased that your internet is back. We rely on the service to communicate with others especially family. May you have a blessed day and week.

  21. What an amazing exhibition, and your veg collection is fab!

  22. What an interesting exhibit for these times! I’m glad you have been able to get your internet problems solved. These pandemic days would be unbearable without it. You’ve done so well with your garden this year and it has rewarded you nicely. The potatoes are lovely.

  23. Sorry to read about your continuing connection issues, Lorraine, and such a disappointment when we rely so much on technology to keep in contact with family and friends. Hopefully, the repairs will be successful. Your garden output is impressive and adequate for two. We always had the problem of growing too much for only us. We never had any luck growing potatoes, so I was a bit envious of your crop.

  24. Glad you have your internet sorted MM. Your veg looks lovely. Our tomatoes are very slow to ripen but taste lovely when they do. I'm finding lack of incentive for crafting at the moment, MM, the craft fairs are cancelled UFN and the charity shops I knit for are not accepting donations. Perhaps I should treat myself to some lovely yarn and knit myself a warm woolly. Stay safe both of you x

  25. Yes, these are strange times, aren't they, mm? I, too am relying more on the Internet to communicate. I am so impressed with your harvest. Congratulations!

  26. Your potatoes look good! I'm planning on planting in raised beds come spring. We're still dealing with smoke in the air and that doesn't encourage a walk along the beach at this time.
    more evacuations are being announced, but we're 40 miles away from the closest fire. Scary times and the political situation is just as insane.

  27. I agree, "this" isn't going away anytime soon. I'm still digging out garden goodies too. I want to keep them in the ground for as long as I can. For some reason...we planted like 50 potato plants...?? I guess we were thinking food shortages in May...

  28. you are so calm when you report about the internet being out for a week, I would be so upset!! Fingers crossed this is a thing of the past for you!!!

  29. I wish I could get potatoes like you do. I planted some but I just do not get enough it seems or they don't grown large enough for me. Tomatoes this year have been great. I purchased the mortgage lifter indeterminate and those things grew like crazy with huge tomatoes. Will grow next year. I don't listen to the news much here and we get out and people are fine everywhere we go and happy. I stay in tune with whats going on at home. like mom always said, take care of business at home first. I have always been going out and taking grand girls to play and have fun.
    Sorry that your internet connection is bad. It's so frustrating I know. I noticed mine is loading slow with the links in side bar. Don't know what the problem is there. I don't like new blogger.

  30. Glad to see a post from you today.

    Nice potatoes, ours did not produce as well as usual. Harvey thinks it is something to do with the nasty winds we had when the garden first started coming up.

    God bless.

  31. Fingers crossed the internet if fixed for good! It is really wonderful to prepare food with homegrown vegetables and fruit, isn't it? I am loving the carrots this year.

  32. The Coronavirus is still with us too and has its up and downs ! I wonder when he decides to leave us and go to another planet. It's true without TV, computer and Internet we would be very isolated, especially when you have no work to do like you with your garden and the growing vegetables ! Our girl group meets as often as we can just not to feel too as prisoners ! Fortunately I love to stay home now, because I love this place !

  33. How nice to see this bounty from your garden and to see you getting out and about. We are going back into lockdown on Friday and I want to be outside as much as I can but it is scary out there, the covid is out of control around here.
