Tuesday 25 February 2020

This and That

Finally, a glimpse of sunshine to brighten my day.  The persistent rain and howling winds have passed over for a few days so time to get out and about.  A stroll around the harbour in Stornoway is always a delight.  There was a couple of fishing boats just in so there was plenty of seagulls watching over the proceedings.  There was also a couple of seals taking their chances for a free feed, what fun they were but elusive and so difficult to photograph.

The carved fisherman overlooking the walkway is a joy and always makes me smile.  I do wonder how many tourists having a stroll have taken the very same photo.  You can just see the castle peeking though the trees.   The spring like weather will soon be bringing all the trees into bud and the leaves will be unfurling to make a green canopy over the area and the castle will be once more screened from view.

How wonderful to be out and about once again taking in the glorious views and picking out the dream boat. 

A short walk through the town brought us to An Lanntair where we soon found our way up to the cafe for coffee and a BLT,  a tasty treat.  We never have bacon at home these days so it was quite the treat enjoying such a wonderful treat and taking in the surroundings and natural ambience.  We then went back down the stairs to enjoy a browse around the exhibition.

It is an established art/science project led by contemporary artists Gillian McFarland and Ione Parkin as part of the Hebridean Dark Skies Festival.  Sadly my photography skills were lacking so the pictures do not portray the true standards.

We are so fortunate to have access to these wonderful exhibitions for free.  There is always so much going on when you consider how small the population of these Islands are.  Living life on the edge on the Outer Hebrides has lots of challenges but the lack of artistic talent is not one of them.  Do you make the most of what is available in your area?

Our hens are black rocks, a wonderful hardy breed suitable for the harsh conditions of the Island and produce lovely brown eggs.  We have been so blessed by them, they provide us with hours of entertainment as we watch their antics around the croft.  As always I thank you for your visit and for your uplifting comments.

See you soon.



  1. We've still got the horrible weather, gale force winds and heavy showers, sleety this afternoon. At least it's not continuous rain though, and we've got off very lightly here compared with other areas. Thank you for the pictures, I do love harbours.

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  2. The cold, bitter wind and driving rain really do get you down don't they? We take any small opportunity to get out even if it's just a quick 'business' walk for Ranger. I love looking at the photos of your wonderful exhibitions. Alas such things are very lacking here, especially in the winter months, when we could most do with them! The hail is again lashing against the windows as I type. Roll on spring! Best, Jane x

  3. Sadly here in Brighton on the South Coast they are greedy and charge an arm and a leg to get into exhibitions. I love the stormy sky paintings though, you are so lucky that they are free.

  4. I love everything about this post! Yes, I try my best to take advantage of exhibits in my area. My hens and roosters entertain me as well!

  5. Your landscape is so beautiful and the little harbor too ! I am sure if you had the weather of the French Riviera nobody would go there anymore and all come to your island ! Bd weather protects you in a way, lol !

  6. A walk.....Just what I could have done with today in the fresh air.
    The fisherman statue is lovely in his yellow coat.

    My daughter would really love the pictures in that exhibition. She has similar ones in her bedroom and they are quite stunning. I like the marbles :)

  7. What a great post! I love the exhibition photos. My husband used to collect carved fishermen, but he never had one that big! ;-)

  8. Your Island has a lot to discover. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos.

  9. Glad you got some nice weather!

    We had ours last week, and we are back to *icky* weather again.

    I'm not very appreciative of that modern art. It's pretty colors, and swirls, and etc. But..... ????????

    To each, their own, of course.

    😊 😊 😊

  10. How lovely to see a bit of sunshine. We had a bright start to the day here but the wind and rain soon returned, and even a bit of snow.

  11. We had sunshine yesterday, but it is cold and rainy again here today. You walk by the harbor and the art exhibit look like a fun day out. Mmmm, a BLT sounds tasty right now.

  12. Glad you had the chance to get out after that nasty bout of weather, which hopefully is over and not to return.

  13. I love chickens, too. That BLT sounds delicious! I like mine with avocado...

  14. How lovely to have a day without constant rain. It's not happened here yet!

  15. Nice that the rain moved on and you could enjoy a day of sunshine. The exhibition looks interesting. I really like those glass balls.

  16. I'm glad you're having more pleasant weather so you can get out and about and enjoy the art shows and coastal views. I'd be glad to know which kind of boat you'd pick. Sail or power? Fishing boat or yacht? ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  17. I'd love to visit your area sometime. It all looks so wonderful. Love the exhibit! I must admit that I don't get out to look at enough of those that do happen in the area. I do make sure to get out and explore the lovely outdoor areas and take lots of photos. I wish I could do astrophotography. We visited a Dark Sky Park this weekend and I'd love to do some photography there - once it's a little warmer. It was blowing a gale and extremely cold!

  18. Hello Lorraine. I'm so late in getting online today. I just haven't had the opportunity to sit at the computer all day. I was thrilled to see such a lovely post from you and take a stroll around the town and harbor. I was happy to see that you were able to get outside again and the weather has improved.
    My favorite sandwich is a BLT and I often order it when we're out and about. We very, very rarely have bacon in the house so it is a treat when we eat out. I do love bacon! :-)
    You and Gerard are in my prayers daily and I hope you are having good news at your appointments my friend.

  19. It's so good to be out and about without being blown to bits. I love the large marbles in the exhibition, I just can't resist their shiny colours.

  20. Nice to take a walk after the storm subside. I like the harbour scene.

  21. What a lovely outing you had and in such an interesting place too. We do try to visit our local museums and galleries when we can especially for the temporary exhibitions:)

  22. I try to make the most of what is in my area but I live out in the country and there isn't much to do. In the spring we have art festivals that I like to go to if we are in town. You live in a beautiful area of the world.

  23. I did enjoy my walk around the harbour with you ...
    The exhibition looks very good ...

    Enjoy these last few February days.

    All the best Jan

  24. Thank you for taking us along on your walk around the harbour. My husband loves walking through marinas and looking at boats. I take my camera and then we're both happy! So glad the storms have eased up for you. Hope the sunshine continues. The art show looks very interesting. I recently read another book by Peter May set in the Outer Hebrides and in Canada - Entry Island. Reading about other places always makes me want to visit!

  25. Hello! I discovered your blog over on Mountain Top Spice! I just started blogging back in December and am "learning the ropes" so to speak. :) What a beautiful place you live! I am excited to read your posts and learn about life where you live!


  26. What a great opportunity to experience creativity in your part of the world. Glad you are getting out and about. Jo x

  27. Absolutely adore the pictures of the Harbor with the boats!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  28. Oh, those glass orbs!!! I do love me some pretty glass.

    God bless.

  29. Amazing post!!! Enjoyed viewing those wonderful photographs of landscape and the exhibition pictures. Glimpses of sunshine particularly after long windy and rainy days it’s so delight and joyful!! I would love to visit your area sometime it’s just lovely. I hope you had a great time with your family. Much blessings & Love.Do check out http://www.bloghasting.com for wedding trends.

  30. Your photos are lovely, MM, I especially love the fisherman in the yellow jacket. Thank you for cheering me up :) x

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  33. I'm glad you are out and about and able to enjoy BLTs and the sights/sites around you, Lorraine! In the past months I was able to pop into a local cafe and view a neighbors art show. Also when I volunteer reading with some children at a local elementary school on Tuesday mornings I enjoy looking at the artwork of children the teachers display in the hallways.

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  36. I swear that I have seen your 6th photo of the harbour before in a magazine as part of a 'spot the difference' puzzle!

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