Wednesday 28 November 2018

Pom Pom Penguin

Another day and it seems another storm, 26 of the 27 Caledonian MacBrayn ferry routes have updates, some delays but mainly cancellations.  We are hopeful that we will get a calm sea when we start travelling next month.  I am so glad that we did an early shop and that we have extra food and provisions, the delays and cancellations of the freight ferry will not have any adverse effects on us thankfully.  It is blowing a gale outside but we are warm and cosy and are ready to start relaxing.

The past couple of days have been spent giving the cottage a deep clean and a sort through the Christmas decor.  What fun we have had remembering Christmas's past, particularly when looking through the baubles.  It is certainly an eclectic mix but each one a different memory of a place or person.  I am not getting all the Christmas tableware out this year as we won't be here but a start has been made on a few Christmas touches.  We do want to feel festive prior to our trip away and decor is certainly a way of stirring  up a seasonal feeling.

Christmas cards have been written and are already to be posted.  Any worldwide post has already been taken to the post office.  I did look to try and reduce the numbers of cards posted but found it hard for one reason or another so I will cut a few corners somewhere else.  Our Grandson Bertie fell in love with a penguin in Waitrose but the price was little prohibitive.  Granny to the rescue...

... a  couple of pom poms, some orange felt and a couple of beads later... Tah Dah!

One very quickly became two.

They have been taken to the post office but how long they will take to get across to the mainland remains to be seen.  It will certainly make one little boy very happy.

As always I thank for your visit here and your comments they are all appreciated and indeed uplifting.  A warm welcome to a new follower I do hope you enjoy my little adventures through life.

See you soon.


  1. Stay safe and warm. The wind is howling here and I'm not looking forward to heading out shortly to collect Lily from the Nativity rehearsals.
    Love the little penguins. I'm sure one small boy will be very happy with them. X

  2. So cute. I've never gone in for themed trees, ours is a hotchpotch of things we've collected over the years along with things the kids made when they were little, they all hold such dear memories which are brought to mind each Christmas when we decorate. The wind is just getting up here.

  3. Really bad here too. Havent left the house.

  4. Our bad weather starts 05:00 tomorrow. Decided to do a half size of the hairy bikers recipe to see if we like it. Did you try the sauce?

    1. Not on this occasion but we have previously, it goes really well with mashed potato.

  5. You live your life, there, in a wise way. And are never surprised or "put out," by weather. Excellent!

    Do hope you have a calm passage, when you go.

    Oh those penguins are the cutest!!!!!!!!! :-) You are so very talented.

    🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄

  6. Симпатичные пингвины!

  7. Love the penguins, we are making snowmen but I see a few penguins in our near future. It has been could with a biting wind here but at least the rain subsided into a light drizzle.

  8. You are wonderfully well organised! The penguins are adorable, Bertie is sure to love them!

  9. Pom Pom penguins has a nice ring to it. Very cute, too. Glad you are cozy and stocked up for the stormy weather.

  10. Pom Pom critters are so cute. Hoping you are not delayed in your travel. Life is too short to not be with loved ones when you can.

  11. Your sweet pom pom penguins are going to make your grand happy! I love how you solve problems. Hopefully the gales will calm down soon for you. Enjoy a cozy evening. ♥

  12. I love your penguins. Hope the sea is calm for your travels.

  13. The penguins are darling and I imagine Bertie will be smitten. You must be getting excited for your December travels. Will you be spending Christmas on the mainland? Happy decorating!

    1. We will be spending Christmas in a log cabin at Efteling, in Holland, exciting times.

  14. Bertie will be so pleased with those cute penguins. Enjoy the preparations for Christmas. I hope the storms abate and the ferries run by the time you need to leave. Here it's very grey and dark, but the weekend is supposed to brighten and bring colder weather.

  15. Those are cute Pom Pom Penguins which I'm sure will be much loved.

  16. You are one great grand mama! You can make almost anything and the penguin is so cute and cuddly. Your grand son will be looking out for it.

  17. How clever of you to make Bertie some penguins! I do hope the weather abates so you can make your trip to the mainland and to the family. I bet it's kind of scary to know your trip is at the mercy of the elements! Enjoy your cozy cottage. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  18. What adorable little penguins.
    Glad to know that you are warm and cosy in your cottage.

  19. What a really cute penguin! Stay warm.

  20. Yes, we have strong wind and rain … it really makes you want to stay indoors in the warm!

    I do like those penguins, they look so sweet - Bertie will love them.

    Stay warm

    All the best Jan

  21. Yes, I too am ready to get some Christmas decorations and tree always help me and that is what I plan to do with my weekend! Reminiscing about Christmases past is always fun!

  22. Oh my goodness those penguins are so dear! I'm going to show this to my daughter and I just know she's going to want to make one! :-) We have most of our Christmas decorations up, just need to finish outside. I mailed my Christmas cards today! Enjoy the rest of your week.


  23. I admire your clever penguins and imagine that Bertie will, too. :) It is lovely to know you are tidy and cozy as the storms march through your midst. xx

  24. Fingers crossed for some calm weather for your trip.

  25. Your grandson will love those cute penguins:)

  26. hope your weather clears up so you can go places. Lovely penguins and he will love them!

  27. I sent all Christmas cards per email and our friends do so too. Last year I just got one, from a friend who has no computer and is a bit oldfashioned. The stamps have become so expensive, that lot's of people prefer to buy something and send an email.I think the most important thing is that you show that you have thought of the person on Christmas, so with whatever it is it's OK fro me.

  28. hope your weather cooperates and that you have safe and happy travels! I love to send Christmas cards, but get fewer back each year because others like email better. Stay safe and have fun traveling!

  29. So sweet are the penguins. Even sweeter to get them out to your grandson Bertie. My grandfather was called Bert or Bertie, short for Ethelbert. Don't hear that name much at all.
    I need to get my cards written soon. I need to finish decorating.
    Love reading about what you have been doing as it gets me moving.
    Happy Sunday
