Monday 27 June 2016


Thank you for all your comments on my last post, amazing how like minded we all are about craft room paraphernalia.  My dear husband is not doing too well at the moment his rheumatoid arthritis has flared up once again and walking is difficult.  His arms and hands have swollen this time round too making the slightest task difficult.  Rest is the answer at the moment, so our weekend was spent quietly catching up with some films that we had recorded and enjoying some good food. 

I did have a  quick stroll around the local car boot sale Saturday and was so glad that I did as I found the perfect match for a china set that I had bought a couple of weeks ago.  To say that I was thrilled is an understatement.

It was dirty unwanted and in dire need of some attention, I bought it straight home and gave it a good wash and a new home.   50p was not a lot to give, I went straight into the craft room and immediately made a hot pad for it.
Already to go, once again someone's rubbish has become a treasure.  I also managed to pick up some skittles for when the children visit.
A bargain for £1.  Two punches were also purchased for 20p each.
Finally some Christmas stamps for 50p.
We are spending another quiet day today so I have caught up with the laundry and we intend to catch up with a little reading.  Before I go I thought I would take you on a tour of the garden.  I love this time of year when there is so much colour.

The marigolds are looking amazing, we are thrilled with them as we grew them from seed.  We use them as  a deterrent for pests and co plant them with tomatoes.  It really does seem to work.

The lilies are just starting to bloom, they always make us a smile as they were a gift from our eldest daughter.  We can see them as we look out of the dining room window, so as we look out we always think of her.
The daisy is such a treat and reliably comes back each year.
The flowers on the chives are just coming to the end but they have been a real delight adding a beautiful shade of lilac to the patio.
We have several pots of lavender, the scent is amazing adding another dimension to the senses especially after the rain.

We have the odd pot of poppies here and there that seem to have self seeded into other pots.  Weeds seem to have taken over in a couple of the pots too, they definitely need some attention.  We certainly are blessed with the treasure that Mother Nature provides.  What treasure is growing in your garden?
See you soon.


  1. First, prayers for you husband.
    Rest, good movies, and good food seem in order.
    Your flowers are lovely!
    Have a cozy day, my friend.

  2. Sending healing thoughts for your husband.
    Lovely treasures both bought and being enjoyed in the garden.
    Now my beautiful peony is over for this year I am enjoying my Geum 'Mrs Bradshaw' that DD bought for me a few years ago. It flowers relentlessly right until the end of the year-x-

  3. I hope your husband's flare up settles quickly. It must be so frustrating with only a short respite for him since the last one. Good result from the car boot and your garden is looking splendid with so much colour.

  4. Love your pot, and also the pots in the garden x

  5. Sorry about your husband's RA. Hubby's sister has it and it's been a real hard time for her. Glad you found a treasure at the car boot sale. Enjoy your blooming garden. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  6. Sorry about your husband's health problems, sometimes we just have to slow down and give our parts a rest. Your flowers are beautiful.

  7. I'm sending prayers for your husband that he will soon be up and about and the pain will be a thing of the past. I love your new China and all of your weekend finds. It seems you got some great bargains. Beautiful garden tour. Thank you for the touch of beauty.

  8. Sorry to hear your husband is not doing well. I hope things improve for him very soon.
    You found great treasures at the boot sale. I just love getting things I like for really cheap. That way if I decide I'm tired of it in a year I can pass it on with no guilt.
    Your Marigolds are fantastic. This year mine are awful. Just sitting there and sulking.

  9. I'm sorry your husband is not feeling well. I hope the RA eases off soon.
    Your garden is giving off some lovely blooms. I especially like chive flowers - so round and poky looking.

  10. Love finding new treasures. Garden looks lovely, I think chives are beautiful flowers & bees always love them too a added bonus

  11. I hope your husband is better soon.

  12. I do hope the pain will go away for your husband after a good rest. I love the china set you bought from the car boot sale. Your plants are doing so well and the flowers are beautiful.

  13. I've said it find the greatest items at these boot sales! Love that cute little pot! Your garden is lovely and I did not know that marigolds helped keep the bugs off the tomatoes...I will need to remember that next year! I thought it was pretty neat that you and I share the same childhood memory about snapdragons :)

  14. Sure hope your husband feels better soon. My husband's Mother suffered with RA. It is such a painful disease. I love the little pot. It is so exciting to find something you really like, and cheap!

  15. You are çucky to find those treasures !!!!!
    I hope you husband will be better soon.
    Lovely garden !
    Have a pleasant day !

  16. your lovely flowers make me ashamed of how poorly mine are flowering. I'm blaming it on too much rain. you certainly got some good bargains while you were out. About RA...has hubby tried a diet free of flour and starches? My daughter was diagnosed with RA and couldn't walk the same as you describe of your hubby. She went to a Naturalpathic Doctor (NA) who took her off all wheat products and all symptoms disappeared. Hope he gets better too.

  17. Hope hubby's RA settles down a bit soon.
    Fab bargains you got there, I do love a car boot sale!

  18. Sending positive healing thoughts to your husband, hope the flare up is gone quickly.

  19. Great treasures! I hope that all will soon be OK again for your husband. I am sure that you will love and care for him in the meantime and I hope that someone will do the same for you. Thank you for your e-mail, I will reply tomorrow!

  20. Have added my prayers to the Lord with all the others for your hubby's healing! Your flowers are lovely, and I'm glad you found some useful bargains. One thing led to another this past weekend and I ended up having a big sort out of my arts and crafts supplies and am hopeful I can now spend more time creating and less time searching for the items I want to use to
    create :) xx

  21. Thank you for the peep at your garden, I love seeing all the colour as it blooms. Hope your poor hubby starts to get some ease soon xx

  22. Your garden is looking beautiful! I do hope that you find something that works for your husbands RA, wishing him a speedy recovery.

  23. What pretty flowers in your garden! Delightful. I hope and pray your husband finds relief...modern medicine is wonderful and hopefully something will be found soon. I feel so lucky that my methotrexate increase is working (after waiting nearly 10 weeks for it to kick in). Tell him to take it easy, listen to his body and keep the doctors in the loop so they can help as best as they can.

  24. Love seeing what is growing in your garden - everything is blooming so pretty. Hope your husband is feeling better. My daughter has RA and is also taking methotrexate. It has worked for her, but everyone is different. I hope he finds some relief. Loved taking a peek at your wonderful sewing room goodies in your last post, too. Hope you have a good week. xx Karen

  25. I hope that your husband is feeling better. RA is such a painful condition. I take turmeric and it seems to help. Sometimes they want to put me on stronger things and I resist.

    Wonderful marigolds indeed. My chives are just past blooming, too. I enjoy them and wish they could bloom all summer.

  26. Oh, I am so very sorry to hear about your hubby. My mom had RA and I am sure I am struggling with some type of arthritis as my knee and feet are killing me and I can hardly walk at times. I have to wait until Aug for my appt. Your pictures of the flowers are delightful. I enjoyed the little stroll through you garden.

  27. Lovely porcelain and flowers. The garden looks good and has great potential for beauty.
