Thursday 25 March 2021

Spring Is In The Air

 Spring is in the air!  Along with sun, snow sleet and hail there was rain, we seem to have all the seasons all together in one day yesterday.  The hailstorm was quite the spectacle bouncing off the road and crashing against the windows but within seconds the sun was once again shining down.  The weather conditions change so quickly and dramatically here.  Even the cloud formations are beautiful and change so quickly.  It is an everchanging environment filled with beauty if you open your eyes.

The first lamb was born during the night to our neighbour, another wonderous sight and miracle.

I will get a better photo later when I walk down to feed the chickens.  In other good news there has been an announcement made that with effect from 1800hrs yesterday the restrictions on the Western Isles will change and we will be moved to tier three regulations.  This means that cafes/restaurants, hairdressers/barbers, shops can now reopen.  I will be making appointments for both Gerard's and I hair, we are in dire need of a good cut.  It will be nice to treat ourselves to a good coffee when we go to town.  Little steps but the light at the end of the tunnel is beginning to emerge.

A few Easter/Spring decorations have begun to appear which has also lifted the spirits.  Let me give you a glimpse of a few additions to our little cottage.

I do need to plan the menu for over Easter so that I can ensure we have all the ingredients.  The family usually gather at Easter as we also celebrate my birthday and our youngest daughters birthday.  That is not going to happen but I am sure we will make some plans to have a virtual party or cake event using technology for which I am so thankful.

Do you decorate for Easter?

Hope all is well with you.  Take care and stay safe.

See you soon.


  1. Like you, I have bunnies and eggs for a twig tree but haven’t done it for years. Maybe I need to restart.

  2. I like your bunnies. I hopefully will be able to get a spiraled ham for Easter. That's what Phil was interested in and I like hardboiled eggs as well. We had a breezy day on Wed. I'm glad the tree trunks are gone as it was done Tues instead Wed. I'm glad your area is getting places reopened. Have a blessed day.

  3. Your decorations are adorable and it looks like you're all set for Easter in the cottage.
    We seem to be changing between winter and spring on a daily basis here. I needed my woolly hat again yesterday. X

  4. It looks so nice with the Easter/spring decorations. In Norway we traditionally decorate with yellow chickens,and yellow flowers. Yellow is the Easter color in Norway. We have had beautiful spring for some time now but the weather conditions is expected to be very changing for Easter. So exciting with the little lamb!

  5. Love your Easter decor!
    My Madison decorates an Easter tree too!
    She learned of it from her mother-in-law in Denmark.
    Yay for openings!!
    Enjoy that haircut and coffee, as soon as you can.

  6. It's good news that there are some re-openings happening. We went to Phase 3 on Monday. Restaurants can seat people at 50% capacity and gyms reopened. They are already talking about more people getting infected in other states that did this earlier so I wouldn't be surprised if we were back in the lockdown again before long.
    I used to decorate for Easter and I do have a sign hanging outside the door, but since I'm leaving the day after, I don't want Dennis to have to put everything away. The Lord willing, there will be next year to do it all, and with family around too.
    Love to you and Gerard.

  7. That's good news that your restrictions will be a little less onerous. I cut my own hair, and Keith's but our daughter is desperate to get a good cut for her hair, which she is always taking great care over.

    That lamb will bring pleasure - they are born earlier here of course (some even around Christmas time) and we have LOTS of sheep in this area. Several fields full in view from the end of the drive or upstairs here.

    What beautiful decorations for Easter in your house. I don't think I have ever seen such a pretty display. Well done.

  8. I'm glad to hear that restrictions are lifting there. There is hope for the future. I just loved seeing your Easter decorations! I think you and I are similar in our love of seasonal decs. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  9. How lovely to see the lamb. It has been a mixture of sunshine and showers here today. How exciting that things are opening up for you. We still have to wait a few weeks. We also really need haircuts.

  10. Lovely Easter decorations in your cottage! I'm glad you are able to get your hair done. I haven't been for over a year. I have cut my husband's hair for years, and just this week he cut mine for the second time!

  11. Love all your sweet Easter decorations...I go for a hair cut once a month ad to be honest, that is really the only time I leave the house and I am okay about it....I love being home!!Stay safe, health happy!!

  12. So good to hear your restrictions are easing a bit.I'm sure both of you will be very happy to get haircuts. We're so fortunate to have Kate who comes to cut ours.

    Your white bouquet is lovely and all the bunnies make me smile. They're perfect for Spring. And that precious tiny lamb. The first of many no doubt.
    Stay safe, GM

  13. How beautiful your cottage must look with your lovely Easter decorations. I don't do much decorating for Easter except to have a vase of freshly cut flowers. I look forward to seeing more of the precious little lambs. I know the ever changing weather causes hardships, but there's something about it that I like. Kind of like I felt when reading Wuthering Heights.

  14. Spring is just bursting out all over at your house! What pretty decorations. I decorate a little bit, not very much. What a tiny little lamb!

  15. What lovely little bunnies! Your weather sounds a lot like ours. The other day I went out in my winter coat, hat and gloves and had to strip off later in the morning when things warmed up. I was still in a turtleneck and some people were in tee shirts.

  16. What lovely Easter decorations. I may try my hand at decorating a bit this year. Just could give me the boost I need.

    God bless.

  17. That's great news to know your restrictions are being lifted and the weather is improving. I must get my Easter decorations out, I can't believe it's Easter already!

  18. Lovely to see the little lamb, a sure sign that spring is on the way. Your Easter decorations are lovely. I usually decorate a twig with painted eggs (wooden not real ones), chicks and rabbits. I also like to have cheerful flowers in the house if possible:)

  19. Oh my, I love all your decorations. So pretty. I haven't decorated for Easter yet.

  20. such a cheerful post with all your springtime photos! the weather here has been so very nice.

  21. A newborn lamb would be the sweetest thing to have next door! Lucky you. I have a few bunnies and eggs I bring out for Easter, but haven't done so yet. Your bunnies with the knitted bodies are adorable - did you make them?
    So glad your restrictions are easing. I'm longing for the day when our family can all meet together indoors and sit around our dining room table - it's been far too long!

  22. Your home looks very festive, Lorraine, with all the bunnies and d=egg tree as well. Yes, I do decorate with some small bunnies and 2 large white ones outside the apt only. The only indoor decorations I do are for the Christmas holiday. I hope you will be able to celebrate Easter and your birthday even if virtual this year (sigh).

  23. We have had some really strange weather here too, but that hailstorm sounds awful. Your Easter decorations look very pretty and sweet. No, normally I don't decorate for Easter. I do still love to dye a basket of eggs for the table. Maybe I'll do that. Hope you have a very Happy Birthday!

  24. Great news that you will be able to get out for a coffee soon and that haircut! Your decorations look beautiful, take care. x

  25. Everything looks so sweet...I love your Easter decor. I put out a few things. I have a wreath made of colored eggs that I love.

  26. We do with church, family dinner, egg hunt and baking but this year it is just us and no service. We will still hide eggs for the children though!

  27. I have no Easter plans yet, Ric is still in hospital, my son and family in Amsterdam and the borders are closed. You are lucky that the restaurants and bar open, that's what I miss the most, here instead there are more restrictions and we are nearly back to point 1 ! It's really depressing !

  28. Your Spring decorations are lovely and lift the spirits, as does the sight of a new born lamb, how lucky you are to be so close. I don't put any decorations out but I used to hide small eggs around the house.

  29. Me again!! we are supposed to get some snow and sleet on Thursday...We won't be free of Winter weather until at least the beginning of May...Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  30. What could be better than a new little lamb and shops and salons opening? Stay safe my friend.

  31. Such sweet little Easter bunnies and love that egg tree!

  32. Good to know that the businesses will be opening soon for you and that you and Gerard can enjoy a good hair cut. Your Easter decorations are very pretty and the bunnies are so cute. Enjoy your new week.

  33. Spring is making itself felt in so many ways here too, but March can be fickle, and overnight we had a dusting of snow just to remind us that winter has not fully loosened its grip! I expect it will be short-lived, however.

  34. Me one again!! Just stopping by to thank you for your visit!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  35. Very glad to hear the restrictions there are easing up. I so long to be able to get on a plane to visit my family in the UK! Your Easter decorations look delightful and love all those bunnies and your egg twig tree. It all looks delightful and having a sweet little lamb as your neighbour is definitely a plus :-) keep well Amanda x

  36. Such a happy, happy post. Is the little ceramic egg tray just for decoration? Or is it also for serving real eggs? So cute.

    How exciting to have a little lamb to watch. Nothing makes me smile quicker than a little lamb switching his tail as he nurses.

    When is your birthday?

  37. I do like your Easter decorations, everything looks very nice. Our Easter Chicks are out of the cupboard, they are quite a few years old but much loved :)

    Happy Spring and Happy Easter Wishes, Happy Birthday too.

    All the best Jan

  38. Good luck with the lambs ... I'm looking forward to photos.
    We decorate here with us for Easter. In every garden there are colorful Easter eggs hung on the bushes, which looks very nice because the green and the colorful flowers are still missing. But the daffodils are already beginning to bloom :-))) In the living room I have branches from the cherry tree and there the blown eggs with the colored patterns are hung up on Sunday - Sorbian Easter eggs - they are artfully printed with chicken or duck quills and beeswax then colored. I love them and have tried it myself.
    Happy Easter to you and a wonderful birthday.
    Kind regards from Viola

  39. what a lovely post, I do love popping by, your blogs are always so uplifting. love your Easter decorations.
    Happy Easter to you and yours.

  40. I love all of your wee decorations for the Easter holiday. It seems so long since I have visited your lovely blog. My blog was hacked by some not so pleasant people, and they left some awful things for me to clean up. I was not able to leave any comments at my favorite blogs for quite some time, and could not post anything for a while. but I am back, at least for now. Happy Spring to you, my friend. Enjoy the change of season. Debbie xo

  41. Wonderful decorations. Hope you had a lovely Easter!

  42. Lovely photos... spring has certainly sprung in your house! Have a great weekend!
