Monday 29 February 2016

Formal Introductions

I just had to share this beautiful photo that my daughter took of the girls meeting their new cousin.

Wilbur was so proud introducing Hector and telling them that he wasn't big enough to play just yet.  What a joy!
The garden planning has begun the seed boxes are out and we are planning to use as many of the free packets that we can without having to buy too much this year.  We have a subscription for Grow Your Own, that comes with free seeds every month.  We call it the gift that keeps on giving...  We are a little late planting up some of the early varieties, but that is life!
I have finished the throw for one of the chairs in the craft room, just one more to go.  Drum roll please...for the big reveal...
I am rather pleased with the finish, a beautiful combination of colours.
A little something to pop on your knees on a chilly day.
I have also made a great start to the labelling for the craft room, painting shapes with blackboard paint which has a really strong toxic smell and gets at the back of your throat.  Hindsight is wonderful, but I really should have done it outside.

I got lucky with chalk pens in The Works for £2, a real bargain and a system in place to make it easier for others to find what they are looking for.
Once again drum roll please for the big reveal...

Now back to the gardening plans...Have you started in your garden?
See you soon.



  1. What a lovely photo of the grandchildren together, Wilbur looks very proud. The blackboard shapes are a great idea for labelling things, it looks smashing.

  2. Beautiful photo of your grandchildren !!! They are adorable !!!!
    Lovely way to label your boxes !!!!!
    Have a great week !

  3. It amazes my that you get so much done and still spend lots of time caring for your family and those sweet grandchildren. The new labels look great! I'm mostly still dreaming about gardening for right now!

  4. Congratulations to you all on the birth of Hector, I hope that he and your daughter are doing well and will be very very happy!! xx

  5. How adorable is that photo? Oh my they are all gorgeous children. Love your organization in the craft room.

  6. What lovely grandchildren you have.
    It is nice to when everything is organised xx

  7. Such a sweet photo with the children all gathered around the new cousin. Just lovely. Looks like an adoring crowd, too.

    No, no garden yet. Much too early. We are not able to get started until the end of May. I do have some herbs in a can to start on a windowsill, which I will get to soon.

  8. Oh those babes!!!!
    And your throw!!!!
    It is so cozy.
    I can't thread a needle...
    I am so in awe of your talents.
    Have a wonderful week, my friend!

  9. What a beautiful photo, you should enlarge it and frame it. Love the colors of the throw.
    You're just too organized, I just have to rummage when I want something.

  10. I am longing for new baby cuddles. Just about a month to go.
    You have such a wonderful eye for colour. Your throw is beautiful and I am loving the chalkboard labels-x-

  11. Your grandkids all together make a sweet photo. Beautiful throw for your craftroom, such a nice pattern & colours. I like your chalkboard labels too - great that you can change them as the box contents changes. Looks like you had a really special time crafting with the grandkids in the last post too ;)

  12. Oh how great is that?
    Thanks for the great ideas !!!!
    Rainy greetings

  13. Fab photo of the grandchildren, a pity Bertie wasn't there as well. You never cease to amaze me with your organisational skills. I haven't thought about the garden yet, I always leave it too late.

  14. What a wonderful bunch of grandkids you have! And soon for another. Good job on your chalk labels.. very chic! My garden is what grows without my assistance.. lol! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  15. Oh when they will play together...what a beautiful picture in the meantime. Such organisation , I envy you ..I love blackboard looks just lovely..Maria

  16. The craft room looks wonderful!
    We have a little while to wait before gardening joy can be had here. I'm ready!

  17. I LOVE your projects!! The colors in that blanket are so pretty. ;) Just love it. And those labels turned out great! Will you please come organize my craft room now? ::sigh::

    I'm dreaming on the garden too. Seems so far away yet. ::double sigh:: Lol
    Blessings. xoxo

  18. Congratulations on the new grandbaby. Life seems to be sweet at the moment. I'm happy for you. Hugs.
    xx Beca

  19. the photo is sweet! We have not started a garden but we are thinking of one, so that's close enough right??

  20. Sweet photo of your grand kids. Applause for your knitted throw.

  21. Congratulations on the new grandson! Seeing all of your great organizing going in in your craft room reminds me how much work I need to do in mine! Love the little chalkboard labels!

  22. Precious little ones - melts your heart! Very sweet little blanket you have made and the labels are so clever. I have been buying seeds and planting a few shrubs and bare-root plants in the garden already, although the weather has turned bad, so it is back to sewing. Hope you have a lovely week. xx Karen

  23. How lovely! Loved your picture of all the children. How clever your little craft room labels are! They look wonderful.

  24. Such a lovely sweet photograph & what a special thing for Wilbur to say. Congratulations to you all x

  25. I love the throw and I love the labeling system. Oh my, I could tell many stories about hindsight and craft materials. I love the picture of all of the children gathered around the baby. So innocent and sweet!

  26. What a great labelling idea. Your grandchildren are adorable. Love the throw too. Thank you for your kind comment. Debbie xx

  27. great post, hope you have a lovely weekend!

  28. You can never have too many cousins!! That photo of them looking at Hector is just adorable!! xoxo

  29. Priceless photo x and the blanket is darling too x
