Wednesday, 11 May 2016

With Silver Bells and Cockle Shells...

I cannot believe the change in the weather.  From a sunny and beautiful weekend we have a new weather system going through so the temperatures have dropped and we are once again back to rain, rain and more rain.  From having the windows opened as far as they would go we are now back to having them firmly shut.  Although the heating system is still off for the time been, we have resorted to lighting the stove.

The dancing flames, dazzling us with their beauty and warming our hearts.
From light salad lunches we are now back to hearty soup.
Leek and potato soup with cheese and tomato flatbread, a winter favourite.
Who would have thought we are half way through May!
The few days of decent weather gave us a taste of Spring and tantalized us with hopes of Summer and a bountiful garden crop.  In truth we now regret planting out the cauliflower and calabrese , the rain has given them quite a battering.
This little plant certainly looks a tad jaded.
The broad beans are growing steadily and have just started to flower.
The peas are just starting their journey and are showing great signs of growth.
The spring onions have gone from strength to strength and once again we are looking forward to enjoying the fruits of our labour.
We have tomato plants scattered all over in pots and hanging baskets co planted with French marigolds to keep the bugs away.
The lolla rossa lettuce is doing well for now, hopefully this adverse weather will not affect their growth.
Finally the rhubarb, ready for cutting again crumble is its destiny for the weekend.  We have the family coming.
How does your garden grow?  Thank you as always for your comments and visits, they really are appreciated and a very warm welcome to a new follower I hope you enjoy my little adventures through life.
See you soon.


  1. I know what you mean , same here at the weekend I had a sundress on, now back to a jumper , I have been snuggling up in my patchwork quilt on the sofa in the evenings. Your plants are thriving x

  2. We have the same problems Portugal...cold and rain...
    In my garden, I have lettuce, radish, parsley, coriander, salad rocket and swiss chards.
    Have a nice day !

  3. Rhubarb crumble, one of my favourites. I don't have anything edible growing in my garden except for a plum tree that was planted a few years ago. I'm hoping for some plums this year but not holding my breath. Maybe plum crumble later in the year.

  4. I'm just hoping that the good weather we've hadn't isn't it for this year and that we do actually get a summer. Your plants look to be growing well. I seem to have lost my gardening mojo since we gave up the allotment at the end of last year. My windowsills are usually groaning under the weight of all the seed trays but all I've sown this year are a few tomatoes and even they're later than they should be.

  5. We usually get heavy rain and wind just after my peony has flowered. It hasn't flowered yet so I am hoping we don't get this all again once it has and I will get to enjoy the flowers for once.
    Our fire was lit last night and the lounge was all cosy for my daughter getting back from a wet and windy Spain to a wet and windy England-x-

  6. May it only be a temporary blip on the radar screen. My garden grows slowly. The cold has stunted everything I think as everything is several weeks behind. Hope to catch up!

  7. Even though I have just eaten lunch I could probably manage some of that delicious looking soup and flatbread! Ohhh rhubarb crumble too. Your plants look very strong and healthy. x

  8. Hello Lorraine, nice to see your plants, I must admit (new) things are not yet growing in my balcony garden, though one of the roses shows a bud and the azalea is flowering beautifully just now. I really must get started with some seeds...

    Loved seeing your car boot bargains!!! Brilliant!

    Ingrid xx

  9. The weather has been crazy here too. Hopefully your garden will survive.
    xx Beca

  10. Your garden looks great. Our tomatoes are snuggling, as always. Some plants have tomatoes and some are dying. The bell peppers are doing well, the fava beans and snap peas are about done. We've been eating potatoes and Mac is getting ready to plant more.

  11. We could use some of your rain! I have actually had to start watering the yard and garden and it isn't even the middle of May. Your cauliflower and calabrese should be fine. They are quite hardy plants.

  12. ...and pretty maids all in a row! We're having a stretch of lovely weather. I only have rhubarb and just planted green beans in the garden. Three little bean seedlings popped through the soil yesterday. Amazing how happy that makes me. :-). I hope your weather returns to nice soon.

  13. I hope the sun comes back to you soon. But your garden is probably loving the rain. We are having fine weather now and the flowers are loving it. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  14. Envious of all your thriving growing things. Our allotment is in need of a few hours of de-weeding and then some seeds need sewing. We have onions growing but only 1 of our 3 rhubarb plants seems to have made it and that one is being swamped by nettles. Not very good management from us

  15. Well Mama you have some good stuff growing there! I have a beautifully manicured allotment with only potatoes in it, bad back and rainy days on my days off have been a bit of a pest but that is gardening, it will all be alright in the end. Jo x

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I had to double check which hemisphere you live in because I'm also having soup weather here in the southern hemisphere and growing the same sorts of plants. I have broad beans, snow peas, spinach, silverbéet, lettuce and pak choy. I had shown cabbages and cauli too but bunny got in at ate the seedlings and i haven't been able to show any more. The rains have arrived and your fireplace makes me feel snug and cosy! :-)

  18. The weather has been crazy hasn't it! It looks as though it is doing well for your garden though.

  19. We are back to a stretch of hot weather and our plants are thriving. Our rhododendrons are starting to bloom! :) xx

  20. Too bad your weather turned rather nasty. Hopefully the system will move on and you'll have sunshine again. All your veggies are growing so well. My peas are about 6" high but the beans are not germinating. The Romaine has a problem and has brown edges which are not appetizing. I think I'll pull it out and reseed more lettuce. Is tomato flatbready something you make or is it bought? I just know I'd love it since I love all bread products and also tomatoes.

  21. We also noticed a change in the weather. After the very dry and hot days, we now have rain almost everyday but it is still hot and sweaty. Some of my more delicate plants have also taken a battering and I hope they will be able to pull through the wet season.

  22. Our weather around here is the same never know what the next day will bring. Right now we feeling like summer...just am not ready for it to get really hot yet, and it will! Your soup and bread looks so good!

  23. We've had such bizarre weather too! the other day was so cold I turned on the heat, lit a fire in the fireplace and wrapped in a big blanket. Yesterday was just hard driving rain, then gloomy grey. By nightfall it blew over, then this morning it rained hard for a little while and now it is 80 degrees and sunny and like a sauna out there. Weird weird weird.

  24. We've had such bizarre weather too! the other day was so cold I turned on the heat, lit a fire in the fireplace and wrapped in a big blanket. Yesterday was just hard driving rain, then gloomy grey. By nightfall it blew over, then this morning it rained hard for a little while and now it is 80 degrees and sunny and like a sauna out there. Weird weird weird.

  25. Here is hoping the sun and warmth return to you soon.

  26. You have planted quite alot and hope it all grows well for you. I've planted 12 strawberry plants and plan on planting 5 tomatoes this weekend, in buckets. Where my plot is there's not enough sun so am doing a different method this year. Not started any lettuce yet nor beans but we need to. Still need to clear out the garden from all the tall grass....sight!
