Today is the day that Scotland comes to an end of shielding. As we look back and reflect on the past few months we have a lot to be thankful for. There will be a lot of adjustments to be made as we leave our little cottage and get used to the 'new normal'. We are a little apprehensive but are eager to make the most of things. After all my efforts making masks, I have found it so difficult to wear one, the elastic seems to be the issue.
I will persevere of course but in the meantime I thought it prudent to try something else. To this end I have made an infinity scarf using cotton fabric.
It is made up of 6 scraps of fabric:
1. 10 1/2" x 21"
2. 10 1/2" x 18"
3. 10 1/2" x 16"
4. 10 1/2" x 15"
5. 10 1/2" x 19"
6. 10 1/2" x 21"
1 - 3 form the outer scarf 4 - 6 the inner using 1/2 seam allowance. Once the 2 pieces have been sewn right side together sew along the 2 long edges. Piece 1 should face 3 piece 4 should face 6. Leave a 4" opening and turn right side out and then hand stitch the gap.
It is snug and I am hopeful that this will suffice instead of the mask.
Time will tell.
We have been thrilled with the produce we have grown in the indoor garden, we are harvesting salad leaves, rocket, courgettes and spring onions on a daily basis. We need to think ahead a little more for next year and adopt the successional sowing method so we can stagger the harvest. We have a lot to learn but are happy with our little experiments thus far. The rhubarb is prolific and we seem to harvest a pan full every few days. The herbs are hung all over the utility/kitchen drying out, I am thrilled with the quality of them. The potatoes have also done well we have several varieties and we are pleased with them all. The cauli and kale are doing well and we have started some sprouts off. The tomatoes are enormous but as yet have not ripened but we are hopeful. All in all we have been happy and are already planning for next season and indeed year.

One of the problems we have had with shielding and online shopping is the over ordering of some produce particularly vegetables. To this end rather than waste food I have been using oddments up to make a soup for the freezer. This is a parsnip and sweet potato one, blended and all ready for a lazy day.
We have also been blessed with an abundance of eggs from our lovely ladies. So we have been able to share them with neighbours and pickle some for the store cupboard. The treat for this week was meringue, delicious with strawberries and cream topped with a little grated chocolate and nuts, decedent and mouth watering.

A real treat that will be off the menu for a while as we start to detox and stop over indulging. We have put on a few pounds over lockdown so we need to behave ourselves and get back to a more sensible diet and exercise programme. We have already started to enjoy our walks once again. What is not to enjoy when we are so blessed and surrounded by such beauty.
Well, that's all for now I have some cleaning and a few errands to run. Take care and stay safe.
See you soon.